Introduction and Overview
    Version History
    Copyright notice
    Programming with LEADTOOLS
    Redistributables/Files To Be Included With Your Application
       C++ Builder
       Delphi 4.0
          Delphi 4.0 Tutorials
          Delphi 4.0 Miscellaneous Examples
             Miscellaneous Examples (Delphi 4.0)
             Acquire example for Delphi
             AcquireMulti example for Delphi
             AcquireSourceName example for Delphi
             AddCapabilityToFile example for Delphi
             CreateNumericContainerArray example for Delphi
             CreateNumericContainerEnum example for Delphi
             CreateNumericContainerRange example for Delphi
             FamilyName example for Delphi
             FindFastConfig example for Delphi
             GetCapability example for Delphi
             GetCapabilityFromFile example for Delphi
             GetExtendedImageInfo example for Delphi
             GetNumericContainerBOOLValue example for Delphi
             GetNumericContainerFIX32Value example for Delphi
             GetNumericContainerFRAMEValue example for Delphi
             GetNumericContainerINTValue example for Delphi
             GetNumericContainerSTRINGValue example for Delphi
             GetNumericContainerUINTValue example for Delphi
             GetNumericContainerValue example for Delphi
             GetProperties example for Delphi
             IsAvailable example for Delphi
             LockContainer example for Delphi
             QueryProperty example for Delphi
             SelectedFamilyName example for Delphi
             ShowTemplateDlg example for Delphi
             SourceName example for Delphi
             UnlockSupport example for Delphi
    Quick Reference
    Properties, Methods and Events
    LEADTOOLS Licensing, Products, & Imaging