The LVectorWindow class is derived from LVectorBase, and extends it by adding full user interface (UI) functionality. You can consider this class as a full windowed control that is capable of displaying vector images. The LVectorWindow class provides the following functionality:
Vector Displaying
Scrolling (which can be enabled or disabled)
Palette handling
Keyboard handling
UI tools including pan image and select objects
Windows Drag/Drop operations for loading
LEAD common dialogs and other LEADTOOLS Class Library classes are also supported through class-maps.
Using command notification messages, the LVectorWindow object can be used in a manner similar to standard Windows controls for dialogs. By overriding the virtual functions provided by LVectorWindow, you can use LVectorWindow objects as a regular window, which handles most messages for you. For more information on the two ways in which LVectorWindow objects can be used, refer to Using LVectorWindow as a Window, Using LVectorWindow as a Control, and LVectorWindow:Window vs Control.
The LVectorWindow control handles processing the mouse messages automatically when the internal tool type is not TOOL_VECTOR_USERMODE.
Certain keys are handled by the LVectorWindow object when the vector window control has the focus. For a list of these keys and the associated action, refer to LVectorWindow Keys.
Required Libraries
You must load all required libraries using LBase::LoadLibraries before using the classes.
LVKRN For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application. |
See Also