

The LVectorLayer class is used in conjunction with the main vector class LVectorBase and the vector object class LVectorObject. This class contains the functionality for dealing with vector layers, This class contains functions for the following:

Enumerating the vector objects in a vector layer

Removing the vector objects in a vector layer

Copying a vector layer to another vector

Getting information about a vector layer

Adding objects to a vector layer

Returning count of objects in a vector layer

When calling some functions of the LVectorLayer class, the associated vector data is changed. To be notified of these changes, you can override the LVectorBase::StartChanging and LVectorBase::EndChanging functions. For more information, refer to Bitmap and Vector Change Notifications and Notification Categories.

If you derive a class from LVectorLayer, the macros defined in Wrapper Macros may be helpful.

Required Libraries

You must load all required libraries using LBase::LoadLibraries before using the classes.


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.

See Also

Class Members, Class Hierarchy Chart, Parent class