Setting Container Scaling Values

Start with the project you created in Setting Container offsets:


Add the following code to the WndProc function, after the L_ContainerCreate ( pContainer, hWnd ) ; function call in the WM_CREATE message:

   VECTORPOINT vptScalarNum, vptScalarDen ;

   vptScalarNum.x = nZoomFactor ; 
   vptScalarDen.x = 100 ;

   vptScalarNum.y = nZoomFactor ; 
   vptScalarDen.y = 100 ;

   vptScalarNum.z = 1 ;
   vptScalarDen.z = 1 ;

   L_ContainerSetScalar ( pContainer, &vptScalarNum, &vptScalarDen ) ;


Compile and run the project by selecting Build->Rebuild Solution from the menu, and then Debug->Start Without Debugging.