Implementing Automation - Implementing Vector Automation.
Start with the project you created in Initializing and loading a vector image
Take the following steps to create and initialize the automation objects:
1. |
Add the following after #include "…\l_bitmap.h". Note that you need to change the path to match what is on your system. |
#include "c:/Program Files/LEAD Technologies/LEADTOOLS 15/Include/ltpnt.h"
#include "c:/Program Files/LEAD Technologies/LEADTOOLS 15/Include/lttlb.h"
#include "c:/Program Files/LEAD Technologies/LEADTOOLS 15/Include/ltcon.h"
#include "c:/Program Files/LEAD Technologies/LEADTOOLS 15/Include/ltaut.h"
2. |
Change the ResetView function to the following: |
static L_VOID ResetView( HWND hWnd, pVECTORHANDLE pVector, pAUTOMATIONHANDLE pAutomation )
VECTORPOINT Translation;
L_AutSetUndoEnabled ( pAutomation, FALSE );
Scale.x = Scale.y = Scale.z = 1.0;
L_VecSetScale ( pVector, &Scale, NULL, NULL, 0L );
Rotation.x = Rotation.y = Rotation.z = 0.0;
( pVector, &Rotation, NULL, NULL, 0L );
Translation.x = Translation.y = Translation.z = 0.0;
( pVector, &Translation, NULL, 0L );
pt.x = 0;
pt.y = 0;
L_VecSetPan ( pVector, &pt );
( pVector, NULL, NULL );
L_VecSetOrigin ( pVector, NULL );
L_VecSetCamera ( pVector, NULL );
L_AutSetUndoEnabled ( pAutomation, TRUE );
InvalidateRect( hWnd, NULL, FALSE );
3. |
Add this new local function before the WndProc function: |
static L_INT EXT_CALLBACK ContainerCallback( pCONTAINERHANDLE pContainer, CONTAINEREVENTTYPE nEventType, L_VOID *pEventData, L_VOID *pUserData )
HWND hWnd;
switch( nEventType )
pObjectData = (pCONTAINEROBJECTDATA) pEventData;
if( pObjectData->fState == CONTAINER_STATE_END || pObjectData->fState == CONTAINER_STATE_ABORT )
L_ContainerGetOwner ( pContainer, &hWnd );
InvalidateRect( hWnd, NULL, FALSE );
return SUCCESS;
4. |
Add the following local variables to the WndProc function, right after the HDC hDC; statement: |
static pAUTOMATIONHANDLE pAutomation;
static pCONTAINERHANDLE pContainer;
static pTOOLBARHANDLE pToolbar;
5. |
Add the following lines right after the L_VecAttachToWindow function call in WM_CREATE of WndProc: |
// create the automation handle
L_AutInit( &pAutomation );
L_AutCreate ( pAutomation, AUTOMATION_MODE_VECTOR, 0L );
// create the toolbar
( &pToolbar );
( pToolbar, hWnd, TEXT("Vector"), TOOLBAR_VECTOR );
( pToolbar, TRUE );
// add it to the automation object
L_AutSetToolbar ( pAutomation, pToolbar );
// create the container
L_ContainerInit ( &pContainer );
L_ContainerCreate ( pContainer, hWnd );
// set its callback
L_ContainerSetCallback ( pContainer, ContainerCallback, NULL );
// add it to the automation object
L_AutAddContainer ( pAutomation, pContainer, &Vector );
// set it as the active container
L_AutSetActiveContainer ( pAutomation, pContainer );
6. |
Change the ResetView function call just before the return 0; statement in WM_CREATE to: |
ResetView( hWnd, &Vector, pAutomation );
7. |
Add the following lines right after the L_VecSetViewport function call in WM_SIZE: |
// set container limits to all client area
ContainerMetrics.nSize = sizeof( CONTAINERMETRICS );
ContainerMetrics.dwMask = CMF_LIMITS;
CopyRect( &ContainerMetrics.rcLimits, &Rect );
L_ContainerSetMetrics ( pContainer, &ContainerMetrics );
8. |
Add these lines to the WM_DESTROY message, before the call to L_VecFree : |
// destroy container
L_AutRemoveContainer ( pAutomation, pContainer );
L_ContainerFree ( pContainer );
// destroy automation
L_AutFree ( pAutomation );
// destroy toolbar
( pToolbar );
9. |
In Imports.cpp add the following #pragma comment lines. Note that you need to change the path to match what is on your system: |
#if defined(FOR_WIN64)
#pragma comment(lib, "C:\\Program Files\\LEAD Technologies\\LEADTOOLS 15\\Lib\\API\\x64\\Lvaut_x.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "C:\\Program Files\\LEAD Technologies\\LEADTOOLS 15\\Lib\\API\\x64\\Lvcon_x.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "C:\\Program Files\\LEAD Technologies\\LEADTOOLS 15\\Lib\\API\\x64\\Lvtlb_x.lib")
#elif defined(FOR_WIN32)
#pragma comment(lib, "C:\\Program Files\\LEAD Technologies\\LEADTOOLS 15\\Lib\\API\\Win32\\Ltaut_u.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "C:\\Program Files\\LEAD Technologies\\LEADTOOLS 15\\Lib\\API\\Win32\\Ltcon_u.lib")
#pragma comment(lib, "C:\\Program Files\\LEAD Technologies\\LEADTOOLS 15\\Lib\\API\\Win32\\Lttlb_u.lib")
#endif // #if defined(FOR_WIN64)
10. |
Compile and run the demo. You should be able to draw new vector objects and rotate in 3D, using your mouse and the pan feature. |