
#include "ltwrappr.h"

L_INT LBarCode::GetFirstDuplicated (nIndex)

L_INT nIndex;

/* index value */

Returns the index of the first barcode, in the class object's barcode data array, that is a duplicate of the barcode at the specified index.




Index of a barcode in the class object's barcode data array. This is a zero-based index. nIndex must be >= 0 and less than the total number of barcodes read using LBarCode::Read.



Index of the barcode, in the class object's barcode data array, that is the first duplicate of the barcode at the specified index.


An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


As an example, a call to LBarCode::Read reads ten barcodes into the class object's barcode data array. LBarCode::IsDuplicated is called for the item at index 3 in the array, and TRUE is returned. Therefore one or more barcodes in the array are duplicates of the specified item.

Calling LBarCode::GetFirstDuplicated returns the index of the first barcode in the array that is a duplicate of the barcode at index 3 in the array. Suppose this value is 0. The barcode present at index zero in the array is the first duplicate of the barcode at index 3.

Calling LBarCode::GetNextDuplicated with nIndex set to 3 will return the index of the next barcode in the array that is a duplicate of the barcodes at index 0 and 3. Suppose this value is 9. Therefore the barcodes at index 0, index 3, and index 9 of the array are all duplicates.

LBarCode::Read returns the total number of barcodes read.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application

See Also


LBarCode::LBarCode, LBarCode::Read, LBarCode::GetBarCodeDataItem, LBarCode::GetDuplicatedCount, LBarCode::IsDuplicated, LBarCode::GetNextDuplicated, LBarCode::Write, Class Members


Programming with LEADTOOLS Barcode

Barcode Function Functions: Finding DuplicatedBarCodes


For complete sample code refer to BarCode demo.

L_INT LBarCode_GetFirstDuplicatedExample(HWND hWnd, LBarCode &LeadBarCode)
   L_INT nRet;
   pBARCODEDATA   pBarCodeData=NULL;
   L_INT          nDupIndex, nDupCount;
   if (LeadBarCode.IsDuplicated(3))
      L_TCHAR szBuffer[1024];
      memset(szBuffer, 0, sizeof(szBuffer));
      nDupCount = LeadBarCode.GetDuplicatedCount(3);
      nDupIndex = LeadBarCode.GetFirstDuplicated(3);
      wsprintf(szBuffer, TEXT("This Bar Code is duplicated in %d different locations."), nDupCount);
      MessageBox(hWnd, szBuffer, TEXT("Notice!"), MB_OK);
      if (nDupIndex >= 0)
         pBarCodeData = LeadBarCode.GetBarCodeDataItem(nDupIndex);
         if (!pBarCodeData)
         memset(szBuffer, 0, sizeof(szBuffer));
         // Print the first duplicated barcode data
         wsprintf(szBuffer, TEXT("Data is %hs\nType %d\nUnits %d\nPosX %d\nPosY %d\nWidth %d\nHeight %d\n\n"),
                  abs(pBarCodeData->rcBarLocation.right - pBarCodeData->rcBarLocation.left),
                  abs(pBarCodeData->rcBarLocation.bottom - pBarCodeData->;
         MessageBox(hWnd, szBuffer, TEXT("BarCode Info."), MB_OK);
         nRet = LeadBarCode.Free(pBarCodeData);
         if(nRet != SUCCESS)
            return nRet;
         pBarCodeData = NULL;
         // find the next (second) duplicated barcode
         nDupIndex = LeadBarCode.GetNextDuplicated(nDupIndex);
         if (nDupIndex >= 0)
            pBarCodeData = LeadBarCode.GetBarCodeDataItem(nDupIndex);
            if (!pBarCodeData)
            memset(szBuffer, 0, sizeof(szBuffer));
            wsprintf(szBuffer, TEXT("Data is %hs\nType %d\nUnits %d\nPosX %d\nPosY %d\nWidth %d\nHeight %d\n\n"),
                     abs(pBarCodeData->rcBarLocation.right - pBarCodeData->rcBarLocation.left),
                     abs(pBarCodeData->rcBarLocation.bottom - pBarCodeData->;
            MessageBox(hWnd, szBuffer, TEXT("BarCode Info."), MB_OK);
            pBarCodeData = NULL;
      MessageBox(hWnd, TEXT("This Barcode is not duplicated ..."), TEXT("Error!"), MB_OK);
   return SUCCESS;