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AnnRectangleEditDesigner Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Events
Leadtools.Annotations Namespace : AnnRectangleEditDesigner Class

The following tables list the members exposed by AnnRectangleEditDesigner.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorAnnRectangleEditDesigner Constructor Initializes a new AnnRectangleEditDesigner object.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyClipCursor Enables and disables clipping the cursor. (Inherited from AnnDesigner)
Public PropertyContainer Gets or sets the AnnContainer object for this AnnDesigner. (Inherited from AnnDesigner)
Public PropertyControlPointCountOverridden. AnnRectangleEditDesigner implementation of ControlPointCount.  
Public PropertyControlPointIndex Gets the index of the current control point. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Public PropertyControlPoints Collection of AnnControlPoint objects for this AnnEditDesigner (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Public PropertyControlPointsHitTestBuffer Gets or sets the hit test buffer for this AnnEditDesigner. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Public PropertyEditObject Gets or sets the AnnObject to be edited. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Public PropertyEditObjectInvalidRectangle Gets the invalid rectangle of EditObject (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Public PropertyFramePen Gets or sets the pen used with this AnnDesigner. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Public PropertyHasStarted Gets a value that indicates whether this AnnEditDesigner has started. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Public PropertyHitTestBuffer Gets or sets the hit test buffer for this AnnEditDesigner. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Public PropertyHitTestObject Gets or sets the hit test object for the EditObject. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Public PropertyMaintainAspectRatio Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to preserve the aspect ratio when moving a corner control point. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Public PropertyOperation Gets a value that indicates the current edit operation. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Public PropertyOwner Gets or sets the owner control for this AnnDesigner. (Inherited from AnnDesigner)
Public PropertyRotate Gets or sets a value indicating whether this AnnEditDesigner is in rotate mode. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Public PropertyRotateCenterControlPoint Gets or sets the AnnControlPoint object for the rotate center control point for this AnnEditDesigner. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Public PropertyRotateCenterControlPointLocation Gets the rotate center control point location of the selected object in object coordinates. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Public PropertyRotateGripperControlPoint Gets or sets the AnnControlPoint object for the rotate gripper control point for this AnnEditDesigner. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Public PropertyRotateGripperControlPointLocation Gets the rotate gripper control point location of the selected object in object coordinates. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Public PropertyRotateLinePen Gets or sets the AnnPen used to draw a line between the rotate control points for all AnnEditDesigner derived objects. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Public PropertyRotateModifierKey Gets or sets a value indicating the current auto-rotate key. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Public PropertyUseRotateControlPoints Gets or sets the use of rotate control points of this AnnEditDesigner. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)

Protected Properties

Protected PropertyClipCursorRectangle Gets the rectangle used to clip the cursor when ClipCursor is true. (Inherited from AnnDesigner)

Public Methods

Public MethodCancelAnnEditDesigner implementation of Cancel. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Public MethodDoubleClickAnnEditDesigner implementation of DoubleClick. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Public MethodEnd Ends editing EditObject (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Public MethodGetControlPointsLocationOverridden. AnnRectangleEditDesigner implementation of GetControlPointsLocation.  
Public MethodKeyDown Handles key down events on the designer. (Inherited from AnnDesigner)
Public MethodMouseDownAnnEditDesigner implementation of MouseDown. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Public MethodMouseMoveAnnEditDesigner implementation of MouseMove. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Public MethodMouseUpAnnEditDesigner implementation of MouseUp. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Public MethodStart Starts editing EditObject (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)

Protected Methods

Protected MethodEndClipCursor Ends clipping the mouse cursor. (Inherited from AnnDesigner)
Protected MethodEndWorking Ends the editing process. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Protected MethodGetLogicalAnnPoint Gets the logical AnnPoint for the specified x, y and unit for this designer. (Inherited from AnnDesigner)
Protected MethodHookContainer Hooks or unhooks the Container. (Inherited from AnnDesigner)
Protected MethodMove Moves the object. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Protected MethodMoveControlPointOverridden.  The AnnRectangleEditDesigner implementation of MoveControlPoint  
Protected MethodMoveName Moves the object's name. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Protected MethodOnAfterDrawingObjectsAnnEditDesigner implementation of OnAfterDrawingObjects. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Protected MethodOnEdit Raises the Edit event. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)
Protected MethodStartClipCursor Starts clipping the mouse cursor inside the given rectangle. (Inherited from AnnDesigner)
Protected MethodStartWorkingOverridden. AnnRectangleEditDesigner implementation of StartWorking.  
Protected MethodWorking Continues the editing process. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)

Public Events

Public EventEdit Occurs when this AnnEditDesigner is editing an AnnObject. (Inherited from AnnEditDesigner)

See Also

Leadtools.Annotations requires a Document or Medical toolkit license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Raster Pro/Document/Medical Features