| Name | Description |
 | AddPresentationContext |
Adds a Presentation Context to the DICOM Associate.
 | AddTransfer |
Adds a Transfer Syntax to the specified Presentation Context.
 | AddUserInformation | Overloaded.
Appends a User-defined item to the DICOM Associate.
 | Default |
Sets the default values for the DICOM Associate object.
 | DeletePresentation |
Deletes a Presentation Context in the DICOM Associate.
 | DeleteUserInformation |
Deletes a User-defined item.
 | DelTransfer |
Deletes a Transfer Syntax from the specified Presentation Context.
 | Dispose | Overloaded.
Releases all resources used by the DicomAssociate.
 | FindAbstract |
Finds the Presentation Context with the specified Abstract Syntax.
 | GetAbstract |
Gets the Abstract Syntax for the specified Presentation Context of the DICOM Associate.
 | GetExtendedData |
Gets the extended data associated with the specified Presentation Context.
 | GetExtendedDataLength |
Gets the length of the extended data associated with the specified Presentation Context.
 | GetExtendedDataPtr |
Gets the extended data associated with the specified Presentation Context.
 | GetPresentationContextID |
Gets the ID of the Presentation Context at the specified index.
 | GetProviderRole |
Determines whether the Provider Role is supported for the specified Presentation
Context of the DICOM Associate.
 | GetResult |
Returns the result of the specified Presentation Context of the DICOM Associate.
 | GetTransfer |
Gets the Transfer Syntax for the specified Presentation Context and index.
 | GetTransferCount |
Returns the number of Transfer Syntax entries for the specified Presentation Context.
 | GetUserInformationData |
Gets the data of the specified User-defined item.
 | GetUserInformationDataLength |
Gets the length of the specified User-defined item.
 | GetUserInformationDataPtr |
Gets the data of the specified User-defined item.
 | GetUserInformationType |
Gets the type of the specified User-defined item.
 | GetUserRole |
Determines whether the User Role is supported for the specified Presentation Context of
the DICOM Associate.
 | IsRoleSelect |
Determines whether Role Selection is enabled for the specified Presentation Context of
the DICOM Associate.
 | Reset |
Removes all elements from the DICOM Associate and resets it to the specified type.
 | SetAbstract |
Sets the Abstract Syntax of the specified Presentation Context of the DICOM Associate.
 | SetAsynchronousOperations |
Enables or disables Asynchronous Operation support. It also sets the number of
operations that can be invoked, if enabled.
 | SetExtendedData | Overloaded.
Sets the extended data associated with the specified Presentation Context.
 | SetPresentationContextID |
Sets the ID for a Presentation Context.
 | SetResult |
Sets the result of the specified Presentation Context of the DICOM Associate.
 | SetRoleSelect |
Enables or disables Role Selection. It also sets the User Role and Provider Role, if
enabled, for the specified Presentation Context of the DICOM Associate.
 | SetTransfer |
Sets a Transfer Syntax for the specified Presentation Context.
 | SetUserInformation | Overloaded.
Sets the specified User-defined item.