| Name | Description |
 | AddLayerImageReference |
Adds a new item under the "Referenced Image Sequence" for the specified item under
the "Graphic Annotation Sequence".
 | AddPresentationStateImageReference | Overloaded.
Adds a new item to the "Referenced Image Sequence" under the "Presentation State Module".
 | AddWaveformGroup |
Adds a new waveform group to the Data Set.
 | ChangeTransferSyntax |
Changes the Transfer Syntax of the Data Set.
 | Copy |
Copies the data elements from one Data Set to another.
 | CreateGraphicAnnSQItem |
Adds a new item under the "Graphic Annotation Sequence".
 | CreateGraphicObject |
Creates a new graphic annotation object.
 | CreateLayer |
Adds a new item under the "Graphic Layer Sequence" (0070,0060) in the Graphic Layer Module".
 | CreateSignature |
Creates a Digital Signature in the Data Set.
 | CreateTextObject |
Creates a new text annotation object.
 | DeleteElement |
Deletes the specified item from the Data Set.
 | DeleteImage |
Deletes one or more images from a Pixel Data element.
 | DeleteKey |
Deletes the specified key element from the Dicom Dir Data Set.
 | DeleteModalityLut |
Deletes all the elements that describe the Modality LUT.
 | DeleteModule |
Deletes a module from the Data Set.
 | DeleteOverlay |
Deletes all the elements that describe an overlay.
 | DeletePaletteColorLut |
Deletes all the elements that describe the "Palette Color Lookup Table".
 | DeleteSignature |
Removes one or all Digital Signatures from the Data Set.
 | DeleteVoiLut |
Deletes all the elements that describe a VOI LUT.
 | DeleteWaveformGroup |
Deletes a waveform group from the dataset.
 | DeleteWindow |
Deletes all the elements that describe "window center" and "window width".
 | Dispose | Overloaded.
Releases all resources used by the DicomDataSet.
 | ExistsElement |
Determines whether the specified object is valid.
 | FindFirstElement | Overloaded.
Returns the first item in the Data Set with the specified Tag.
 | FindFirstGraphicAnnSQItem |
Retrieves the first item under the "Graphic Annotation Sequence" (0070,0001) in the "Graphic Annotation Module".
 | FindFirstKey | Overloaded.
Returns the first item in the Dicom Dir Data Set with the specified key element type.
 | FindFirstPresentationStateReferencedSeriesItem |
Retrieves the first item under the "Referenced Series Sequence" (0008,1115) in the "Presentation State Module".
 | FindLastElement | Overloaded.
Returns the last item in the Data Set with the specified Tag.
 | FindLastKey | Overloaded.
Returns the last item in the Dicom Dir Data Set with the specified key element type.
 | FindModule |
Returns a DicomModule object that contains information about the
specified module.
 | FindModuleByIndex |
Returns a DicomModule object that contains information about the
module, on Level 0, at the specified index.
 | FindNextElement |
Returns the next item in the Data Set with a specific Tag.
 | FindNextGraphicAnnSQItem |
Retrieves the next item under the "Graphic Annotation Sequence" (0070,0001) in the "Graphic Annotation Module".
 | FindNextKey |
Returns the next item in the Dicom Dir Data Set with a specific key element type.
 | FindNextPresentationStateReferencedSeriesItem |
Retrieves the next item under the "Referenced Series Sequence" (0008,1115) in the "Presentation State Module".
 | FindPreviousElement |
Returns the previous item in the Data Set with a specific Tag.
 | FindPreviousKey |
Returns the previous item in the Dicom Dir Data Set with a specific key element type.
 | FindSignature |
Returns the Digital Signatures Sequence Item that corresponds to the Digital Signature
that has the specified Digital Signature UID, if found in the Data Set.
 | FreeElementValue |
Frees the memory for a value.
 | GetAgeValue |
Returns an array of DicomAgeValue objects, that contains age information stored in the Value Field of the specified element.
 | GetBinaryValue | Overloaded.
Updates a buffer with the binary value of the specified data element.
 | GetByteValue |
Returns an array of byte values, stored in the Value Field, of the specified
 | GetByteValuePtr |
Returns a pointer to a byte value, stored in the Value Field, of the specified
 | GetChildElement |
Returns the item in the Data Set that is the first child of the specified item.
 | GetChildKey |
Returns the item in the Dicom Dir Data Set that is the first child of the specified
 | GetConvertValue |
Converts the value of an element to a string.
 | GetDateRangeValue |
Returns a DicomDateRangeValue structure that contains date range information for the specified element.
 | GetDateTimeValue |
Returns an array of DicomDateTimeValue objects, that contains date-time information stored in the Value Field of the specified element.
 | GetDateValue |
Returns an array of DicomDateValue objects, that contains date information stored in the Value Field of the specified element.
 | GetDoubleValue |
Returns an array of double values, stored in the Value Field, of the specified element.
 | GetDoubleValuePtr |
Returns a pointer to a double value, stored in the Value Field, of the specified element.
 | GetElementLevel |
Returns a value that indicates the level at which the specified element is located
within the Data Set.
 | GetElementValueCount |
Returns the number of values stored in the Value Field of the specified element.
 | GetFirstElement |
Returns the first item in the Data Set.
 | GetFirstKey |
Returns the first item in the Dicom Dir Data Set.
 | GetFloatValue |
Returns an array of float values, stored in the Value Field, of the specified element.
 | GetFloatValuePtr |
Returns a pointer to a float value, stored in the Value Field, of the specified element.
 | GetGraphicObjectCount |
Retrieves the number of graphical annotation objects in a certain "Graphic Annotation Sequence" (0070,0001) item.
 | GetGraphicObjectInformation |
Gets the attributes of the specified graphic annotation object.
 | GetGraphicObjElement |
Gets the item element of the specified graphic annotation object.
 | GetGraphicObjPointCount |
Retrieves number of points that represents a graphical annotation object.
 | GetImage |
Gets the image of a Pixel Data element.
 | GetImageCount |
Gets the number of frames in a Pixel Data element.
 | GetImageInformation |
Retrieves information about the specified image.
 | GetImages |
Gets the images of a Pixel Data element.
 | GetIntValue |
Returns an array of integer values, stored in the Value Field, of the specified element.
 | GetIntValuePtr |
Returns a pointer to a long value, stored in the Value Field, of the specified data
 | GetKeyValue |
Returns the key element type of the specified key element.
 | GetKeyValuePtr |
Returns the key element type of the specified key element.
 | GetKeyValueString |
Returns the key element type of the specified key element.
 | GetLastElement |
Returns the last item in the Data Set.
 | GetLastKey |
Returns the last item in the Dicom Dir Data Set.
 | GetLayerElementByIndex |
Gets the item element of the specified graphic layer.
 | GetLayerElementByName |
Gets the item element of the specified graphic layer.
 | GetLayerGraphicObjectCount |
Retrieves the number of graphical annotation objects, which correspond to the specified item under the "Graphic Annotation Sequence" (0070,0001).
 | GetLayerImageReferenceCount |
Retrieves the number of referenced images, which correspond to the specified item under the "Graphic Annotation Sequence" (0070,0001).
 | GetLayerImageReferenceElement |
Gets the item element of the specified SOP instance under the "Referenced Image Sequence" (0008,1140) in the specified "Graphic Annotation Sequence" (0070,0001) item.
 | GetLayerImageReferenceSOPInstance |
Retrieves the SOP Instance UID for a referenced image (SOP Instance) under the "Referenced Image Sequence" in a certain graphic annotation item inside the "Graphic Annotation Module".
 | GetLayerIndex |
Retrieves the index of the layer with the specified name.
 | GetLayerInformation |
Retrieves the attributes of a layer at the specified index.
 | GetLayerName |
Retrieves the value of the "Graphic Layer" element under one of the items under the
"Graphic Annotation Sequence" in the "Graphic Annotation Module".
 | GetLayerTextObjectCount |
Retrieves number of text annotation objects, which correspond to the specified item under the "Graphic Annotation Sequence" (0070,0001).
 | GetLongValue |
Returns a pointer to a 64 long value, stored in the Value Field, of the specified element.
 | GetMacAlgorithm |
Returns the Message Authentication Code (MAC) Algorithm (0400,0015) used in the
creation of the specified Digital Signature.
 | GetMacTransferSyntax |
Returns the Message Authentication Code (MAC) Calculation Transfer Syntax UID
(0400,0010) used in the creation of the specified Digital Signature.
 | GetModalityLutAttributes |
Retrieves the attributes that describe the Modality LUT.
 | GetModalityLutData |
Retrieves "LUT Data" for a "Modality LUT Sequence".
 | GetNextElement |
Returns the item in the Data Set that immediately follows the specified item.
 | GetNextKey |
Returns the item in the Dicom Dir Data Set that immediately follows the specified item.
 | GetOverlayActivationLayer |
Retrieves the "Overlay Activation Layer".
 | GetOverlayAttributes |
Retrieves the attributes of the overlay at the specified index.
 | GetOverlayGroupNumber |
Gets the overlay group number.
 | GetOverlayImage |
Retrieves the "Overlay Data" (60xx,3000) for the specified overlay index.
 | GetOverlayImages |
Loads the image(s) with frames from the "Overlay Data" (60xx, 3000) element.
 | GetPaletteColorLutAttributes |
Retrieves the attributes that describe the "Palette Color Lookup Table".
 | GetPaletteColorLutData |
Retrieves red, green or blue "Palette Color Lookup Table Data".
 | GetParentElement |
Returns the item in the Data Set that is the parent of the specified item.
 | GetParentKey |
Returns the item in the Dicom Dir Data Set that contains the parent of the specified
 | GetPreamble | Overloaded.
Gets the contents of the file’s preamble.
 | GetPresentationStateImageReference |
Retrieves the item element, which represents a referenced image (SOP Instance) under the "Referenced Image Sequence" in the "Presentation State Module".
 | GetPresentationStateImageReferenceCount |
Retrieves number of images (SOP Instances) that are referenced in an item under the "Referenced Series Sequence" (0008,1115) in the "Presentation State Module".
 | GetPresentationStateImageReferenceSOPInstance |
Retrieves the SOP Instance UID for a referenced image (SOP Instance) under the "Referenced Image Sequence" in the "Presentation State Module".
 | GetPresentationStateInformation |
Retrieves the attributes of the "Presentation State Module".
 | GetPreviousElement |
Returns the item in the Data Set that immediately precedes the specified item.
 | GetPreviousKey |
Returns the item in the Dicom Dir Data Set that immediately precedes the specified
 | GetRootElement |
Returns the root element of the specified item.
 | GetRootKey |
Returns the root of the specified item.
 | GetShortValue |
Returns an array of short values, stored in the Value Field, of the specified
 | GetShortValuePtr |
Returns a pointer to a short value, stored in the Value Field, of the specified element.
 | GetSignature |
Returns the Digital Signatures Sequence Item that corresponds to the Digital Signature
at the specified index.
 | GetSignatureDateTime |
Returns the Digital Signature DateTime (0400,0105) of the specified Digital Signature.
 | GetSignaturesCount |
Returns the number of Digital Signatures in the main Data Set or in an item of a
sequence of items.
 | GetSignatureUID |
Returns the Digital Signature UID (0400,0100) of the specified Digital Signature.
 | GetSignedElement |
Returns the signed Data Element at the specified index.
 | GetSignedElementsCount |
Returns the number of Data Elements covered by the specified Digital Signature.
 | GetStringValue |
Returns a string value, stored in the Value Field, of the specified element.
 | GetStringValuePtr |
Returns a pointer to a string value, stored in the Value Field, of the specified element.
 | GetTextObjectCount |
Retrieves the number of text annotation objects in the specified "Graphic Annotation Sequence" (0070,0001) item.
 | GetTextObjectInformation |
Gets the attributes of a text annotation object.
 | GetTextObjElement |
Gets the item element of the specified text annotation object.
 | GetTimeRangeValue |
Returns a DicomTimeRangeValue structure that contains time range information for the specified element.
 | GetTimeValue |
Returns an array of DicomTimeValue objects, that contains time information stored in the Value Field of the specified element.
 | GetVoiLut |
Retrieves the attributes that describe the VOI LUT.
 | GetVoiLutData |
Retrieves "LUT Data" for an item under "VOI LUT Sequence".
 | GetWaveformGroup |
Gets a waveform group from the dataset.
 | GetWindow |
Retrieves the attributes that describe the "Window Center" and "Window Width".
 | Initialize |
Creates the Data Set object, inserting the appropriate elements for the specified
 | InitializeCommandSet |
Creates the Command Set and inserts the elements for the specified command.
 | InsertElement | Overloaded.
Inserts a new element in the Data Set.
 | InsertImage |
Inserts an image in a Pixel Data element.
 | InsertImages |
Inserts image(s) in a Pixel Data element.
 | InsertKey | Overloaded.
Inserts a new key element in the Dicom Dir Data Set.
 | InsertModule |
Inserts a new module in the Data Set.
 | IsOverlayInDataSet |
Determines whether the overlay data exists inside this Data Set or inside another Data
 | IsVolatileElement |
Determines whether the specified element is volatile.
 | Load | Overloaded.
Loads a Data Set.
 | RemoveAllGraphicObjects |
Removes all graphical annotation objects under the specified "Graphic Annotation Sequence" (0070,0001) item.
 | RemoveAllImageReferences |
Removes all the referenced images from the "Referenced Image Sequence" in all Graphic Annotation Sequence items.
 | RemoveAllImageReferencesFromLayer |
Removes all the referenced images from the "Referenced Image Sequence" in the specified "Graphic Annotation Sequence" item.
 | RemoveAllLayers |
Removes all layers under the "Graphic Layer Module".
 | RemoveAllPresentationStateImageReferences |
Removes all "Referenced Image Sequence(s)", which belong to the "Referenced Series Sequence" under the "Presentation State Module".
 | RemoveAllTextObjects |
Removes all text annotation objects under the specified "Graphic Annotation Sequence" (0070,0001) item.
 | RemoveGraphicObject |
Removes the graphic annotation object at the specified index.
 | RemoveImageReferenceFromLayer |
Removes a referenced image from the "Referenced Image Sequence" in the specified "Graphic Annotation Sequence" item.
 | RemoveLayerByIndex |
Deletes all the elements that describe a layer.
 | RemoveLayerByName |
Deletes all the elements that describe a layer.
 | RemoveLayerGraphicObjects |
Removes all graphical annotation objects, which correspond to the specified item under the "Graphic Annotation Sequence" (0070,0001) in the "Graphic Annotation Module".
 | RemoveLayerTextObjects |
Removes all text annotation objects, which correspond to the specified item under the "Graphic Annotation Sequence" (0070,0001) in the "Graphic Annotation Module".
 | RemovePresentationStateImageReference |
Removes an item from the "Referenced Image Sequence" under the "Presentation State Module".
 | RemoveTextObject |
Removes the text annotation object at the specified index.
 | Reset |
Removes all items from the Data Set.
 | Save |
Saves the Data Set to the specified file.
 | SaveCertificate |
Saves the signer’s digital certificate associated with the specified Digital Signature
to a file.
 | SetAgeValue |
Sets the Age value(s) of a Data Element.
 | SetBinaryValue | Overloaded.
Sets the binary value of an element.
 | SetByteValue | Overloaded.
Sets the character value(s) of a Data Element.
 | SetConvertValue |
Converts a string and sets the value of an element.
 | SetConvertValuePtr |
Converts a string and sets the value of an element.
 | SetDateRangeValue |
Sets the Date range value(s) of a Data Element.
 | SetDateTimeValue |
Sets the Date-Time value(s) of a Data Element.
 | SetDateValue |
Sets the Date value(s) of a Data Element.
 | SetDoubleValue | Overloaded.
Sets the double value(s) of a Data Element.
 | SetFloatValue | Overloaded.
Sets the float value(s) of a Data Element.
 | SetGraphicObjectInformation |
Updates the attributes of a graphic annotation object.
 | SetImage |
Replaces the image(s) in a Pixel Data element.
 | SetImages |
Replaces the images in a Pixel Data element.
 | SetIntValue | Overloaded.
Sets the integer value(s) of a Data Element.
 | SetLayerInformation |
Sets layer attributes for the layer at the specified index.
 | SetLayerName |
Sets the value of the "Graphic Layer" element under one of the items under the
"Graphic Annotation Sequence" in the "Graphic Annotation Module".
 | SetModalityLut |
Sets the attributes that describe the Modality LUT.
 | SetOverlayAttributes |
Sets overlay attributes for a certain index.
 | SetOverlayImage |
Sets the "Overlay Data" (60xx,3000) for a certain overlay index.
 | SetOverlayImages |
Sets the "Overlay Data" (60xx,3000) for the specified overlay index.
 | SetPaletteColorLutAttributes |
Sets the attributes that describe the "Palette Color Lookup Table".
 | SetPaletteColorLutData |
Sets red, green or blue "Palette Color Lookup Table" data.
 | SetPreamble | Overloaded.
Sets the contents of the file's preamble.
 | SetPresentationStateInformation |
Sets the attributes of the "Presentation State Module".
 | SetShortValue | Overloaded.
Sets the short value(s) of a Data Element.
 | SetStringValue | Overloaded.
Sets the string value(s) of a Data Element.
 | SetStringValuePtr |
Sets the string value(s) of a Data Element.
 | SetTextObjectInformation |
Updates the attributes of a text annotation object.
 | SetTimeRangeValue |
Sets the Time range value(s) of a Data Element.
 | SetTimeValue |
Sets the Time value(s) of a Data Element.
 | SetVoiLut |
Sets the attributes that describe the VOI LUT.
 | SetWindow |
Sets the attributes that describe the "Window Center" and "Window Width".
 | VerifySignature |
Verifies Digital Signatures in the Data Set.