Leadtools.Pdf Requires PDF Plug-in license | Send comments on this topic. | Back to Introduction - All Topics | Help Version 15.10.31
Getting Started

For pointers to sample programs that demonstrate many features, see the table below:

Assembly – Class/Namespace


Help Files


Leadtools.Codecs.DLL - CodecsPdfOptions

The CodecsPdfOptions Class contains properties, methods and events for loading and saving PDF files.



Leadtools.Pdf.dll - Leadtools.Pdf.PdfCompressor

The PDfCompressor class provides the users with Advanced PDF methods to control the creation of PDF documents with or without segmentation.




Leadtools.Pdf.dll - Leadtools.Pdf.PdfCompressorSegmentsInfo

The PdfCompressorSegmentsInfo structure provides the Advanced PDF user with the ability to get or set the information related to image segments.



Leadtools.Pdf.dll - Leadtools.Pdf.PdfCompressorCompressionTypes

The PdfCompressorCompressionTypes structure provides the Advanced PDF user with control over the types of compressions that can be used for each type of image segments.



Leadtools.Pdf.dll - Leadtools.Pdf.PdfCompressorOptions

The PdfCompressorOptions structure provides the Advanced PDF user with control over how the PDFCompressor will do the segmentation for the provided image and controls its behavior.



Leadtools.Pdf.dll - Leadtools.Pdf.PdfCompressorSegmentImageEventArgs

The PdfCompressorSegmentImageEventArgs class enables the Advanced PDF user to approve or cancel the addition of any segment to the document.



For more Information, refer to:


LEADTOOLS PDF Compressor Assemblies

Programming with the LEADTOOLS PDF Compressor

Getting Started - All Topics

Leadtools.Pdf requires a PDF Plug-in license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Raster Pro/Document/Medical Features