Note: This topic is for
Document/Medical only.
LEADTOOLS provides the following annotation object classes:
AnnAudioObject Defines an audio annotation object. AnnButtonObject Defines an annotation push button object. AnnClosedCurveObject Defines an annotation closed curve object. AnnContainer Represents an Annotation container. AnnCrossProductObject Defines an annotation cross-product object. AnnCurveObject Defines an annotation curve object. AnnEllipseObject Defines an annotation ellipse object. AnnEncryptObject Defines an annotation encrypt object. AnnFreehandHotspotObject Defines an annotation freehand hotspot object. AnnGroupObject Defines an annotation group object which contains a group of annotation objects. AnnHiliteObject Defines an annotation highlight object. AnnHotspotObject Defines an annotation hot-spot object. AnnImageObject Defines an annotation image object. AnnLineObject Defines an annotation line object. AnnNoteObject Defines an annotation note object. AnnObject is the base class from which all other Annotation objects derive. AnnPointObject Defines an annotation point object. AnnPointerObject Defines an annotation pointer object. AnnPolygonObject Defines an annotation polygon object. AnnPolylineObject Defines an annotation polyline object. AnnPolyrulerObject Defines an annotation polyruler object. AnnProtractorObject Defines an annotation protractor object. AnnRectangleObject Defines an annotation rectangle object. AnnRedactionObject Defines an annotation redaction object. AnnRubberStampObject Defines an annotation rubber stamp object. AnnRulerObject Defines an annotation ruler object. AnnStampObject Defines an annotation stamp object. AnnTextObject Defines an annotation text object. AnnTextPointerObject Defines an annotation text pointer object. AnnTextRollupObject Defines an annotation text rollup object.