LEADTOOLS Raster Pro, Document, and Medical Imaging Features
Raster Pro:
LEADTOOLS Raster Imaging Pro provides win32 and x64 support for adding to any application the ability to display, load, save, convert or process images. The toolkit supports Color Conversion, Display, and Compression (JPEG, JPEG 2000 [read], TIFF, CCITT G4 and LEAD's proprietary CMP). Developers get support for all of the technologies found in the LEADTOOLS Raster Imaging Engine, including Image Processing (Transforms, Filters, Drawing, Region of Interest), TWAIN Scanning (32-bit), Color Conversion, Display, Special Effects, (choose from more than 2000 effects), Compression, Image Format support (150+), Printing, Internet/intranet imaging, Database imaging, Imaging Common Dialogs, and Screen Capture.
In addition, LEADTOOLS Raster Imaging Pro offers the ability to directly call exported DLL functions, create extremely small footprint applications, obtain low-level access to pixel data, create custom image processing filters, exert full control over load/process/save with callbacks, share images (without copying) via DIBs/DDBs, exert full control over all display options, and support the extended FlashPix file format capabilities.
LEADTOOLS Document Imaging, LEADTOOLS Document Imaging Suite, LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging and LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging Suite are the most comprehensive imaging toolkits on the market. No other toolkit provides as many imaging features for color, gray-scale and black & white images in one development package, and for one price. These toolkits comprise LEAD's best code and are designed for the programmer who is looking for the fastest performance, and/or the most extensive color, document, and medical imaging capabilities available.
These toolkits contain powerful annotation capabilities and optimized document image processing filters, and high performance compression, decompression and viewing of ABIC, CMW wavelet, JBIG/JBIG2, JPEG, JPEG 2000 (read/write), LEAD CMP, LEAD ABC (bitonal), and CCITT G3/G4. The annotation capabilities enable the programmer to add text, highlights, sticky notes, audio, ellipses, buttons, lines, arrows, rectangles, polygons, redaction (blackout), hotspots, freehand scribble, pointers, bitmap and text stamps, to black & white and color images. Programmers working with document imaging will also find special processing filters such as despeckle, deskew, favor black, and scale to gray to enhance their black and white 1 bit images. Additionally, you can achieve faster rotation in 90-degree increments by applying a rotated view perspective to the bitmap. These LEADTOOLS toolkits offer the fastest software-only JPEG decoder available.
LEADTOOLS Document Imaging
The LEADTOOLS Document Imaging toolkit contains all the features available in the LEADTOOLS Raster Imaging Pro. In addition, it contains the following capabilities:
functions for Document (bitonal) images. The LEADTOOLS functions
for bitonal images are especially useful for working with images from
black-and-white scanners or FAX machines. These functions let you do things
such as automatically straighten (deskew) an image, remove spots (despeckle),
or clarify a scaled display (using scale-to-gray and favor-black features).
LEADTOOLS supports annotation of images by letting you overlay images
with text, lines, shapes, arrows, buttons, highlights, hot spots, sticky
notes, stamps, buttons, and sounds.
Fast rotation.
LEADTOOLS achieves fast rotation in 90-degree increments by applying a
rotated view perspective to the bitmap.
support (32-bit). Analyze the TWAIN source, considering the bits per pixel,
image type and compression requested from the TWAIN device, and find the
fastest compression type, transfer mode and buffer schemes to get the
best performance possible.
Faster compression
and decompression. The Document/Medical editions work faster when
loading and saving LEAD CMP, JPEG, and CCITT Group 3 and Group 4 images.
The LEADTOOLS functions for loading and saving are the same in all products.
The only difference is in performance.
1-bit Image
Clean-up. The Document toolkits include support for removing dots,
blobs, holes, inverted text, lines, borders, bumps and nicks from 1-bit
Region Clean-up. [Document/Medical] Remove all the holes from a region.
Messages. The Document toolkits include support for embedding messages
in lossless image formats like bmp, tiff, lossless jpeg, etc. The message
is embedded without any visible changes to the image, and does not appreciably
increase the size of the image. The message is password-protected.
12 and 16
bit grayscale images. [Document/Medical] Load, process, display, window level
and save 12 and 16 bit grayscale images (including support for 16-bit
grayscale TIFF).
MRC Support.
[Document/Medical] LEADTOOLS supports the Mixed Raster Content format
for color documents containing mixed image and text components. For more
information, refer to the MRC
[Document/Medical] Convert 1-, 4-, 8-, 16-, 24-, or 32-bit bitmaps to
a halftoned bitmap, with a specified pattern rotation. A halftoned bitmap
is a 1-bit bitmap that has been dithered for black and white printing
or display.
JPEG 2000
Write. Write both types of JPEG 2000 images (JPEG 2000 stream and
JP2 files).
Read and write JBIG2 compressed files.
Read and write ABICcompressed files.
Raster PDF
Save. Support for saving raster images as a PDF file. This includes
the Advanced PDF save and compression features.
LEADTOOLS Document Imaging Suite
The LEADTOOLS Document Imaging Suite toolkit contains all the capabilities of LEADTOOLS Document Imaging, and includes the features listed below. Please note that the OCR features are included in this toolkit, however they can also be purchased as a plug-in for the LEADTOOLS Document Imaging toolkit. JBIG support is also provided in this toolkit.
OCR features.
[Document/Medical] LEAD offers OCR features that use Nuance Textbridge
technology. Support for these features is included in the LEADTOOLS Document
Imaging Suite, and can be added, via plug-in to the LEADTOOLS Document
Imaging, LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging and LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging Suite
toolkits. The OCR features allow you to perform optical character recognition
and turn images into documents. Features include preset confidence and
accuracy levels for controlling how sensitive the engine is to unrecognized
text, artificial intelligence for improving recognition on documents of
the same type, and built-in and user-defined lexicons for limiting the
type of text to recognize within a particular zone. LEADTOOLS provides
the ability to verify or correct text during, and (using LEAD's unique
OCR editor) after recognition. LEAD's OCR editor ties the text being edited
directly to the image, providing a visual reference to the original bitmap
data. The OCR engine can perform Automatic area segmentation creating
multi-layered zones, recognizing areas such as tables, rules, images and
text. Or, you can manually designate up to 250 such zones. The OCR features
support different fonts, sizes (5 to 72 point) and styles. Fax, dot matrix
and halftones can be preprocessed to improve recognition results. The
OCR Engine supports major European and Scandinavian languages (Danish,
Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian,
Spanish, and Swedish) as well as English. Support for dialects such as
US. English, French Canadian, Latin American Spanish, Swiss German, and
Brazilian Portuguese is also provided.
Recognized text can be exported to more than 40 different formats, including MS Word, MS Excel, Dbase andWordPerfect. The LEADTOOLS OCR features contain superior OCR processing speeds, for use in form recognition and processing applications.
filter. [Document/Medical] LEAD includes support for this filter
in the LEADTOOLS Document and Medical Imaging toolkits. JBIG defines a
method for lossless compression encoding of a bi-level image (two-color
image). This method can also be used for coding grayscale and color images.
LEADTOOLS completely supports all three types of images, giving you the
ability to make full use of this powerful compression technology. LEADTOOLS
also supports the progressive capability of JBIG, allowing you to store
and send multiple representations of images at different resolutions without
any extra storage overhead.
LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging
LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging contains all the capabilities of LEADTOOLS Document Imaging. It also includes general medical imaging technologies (1-16, 24-, and 32-bit color, 1-16 bit grayscale and window leveling of 12- and 16-bit grayscale images) and support for the DICOM file format.
DICOM file
support. [Medical] LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging provides COMPLETE
support for the DICOM 3.0 specification, including all standard IOD classes
and modalities (CR, CT, MR, NM, US, RF, SC, VL, etc.) and complete DICOM
Basic Directory support.
Window leveling.
[Medical] Detect and set LowBit and HighBit for image data, display
images with automatic LUT intensity expansion, or set LUT entries and
ranges with specific values and gradients. Display images through the
LUT without changing the data, or process the image data using the LUT.
Linearize the number of pixels locally in a bitmap, based on the specified
color space in order to bring out the detail in dark areas of an image,
and smooth the edges between blocks.
Imaging Processing. [Medical] LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging provides
image processing functionality designed specifically to allow you to examine
and improve the quality of medical images.
LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging Suite
LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging Suite contains all the capabilities of LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging. In addition, it supports the following:
DICOM Communication
support. [Medical Suite] LEADTOOLS provides COMPLETE support for
DICOM Communications, including all Service Classes (Verification, Storage,
Query/Retrieve, Patient Management, etc), and contains high-level communications
functions simplifying the creation of DICOM client/server applications.
(Document/Medical) is used in the documentation to designate the features that are available in LEADTOOLS Document Imaging, LEADTOOLS Document Imaging Suite, LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging and LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging Suite. Those features that are available only in the Medical toolkits are indicated in the documentation by (Medical). Features available only in the LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging Suite toolkit are indicated in the documentation by (Medical Suite).
For more information, refer to Document/Medical Edition Support and Licensing Requirements
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