#include "ltdic.h"
L_LTDIC_API L_INT L_DicomSendCFindRequest(hNet, nPresentationID, nMessageID, pszClass, nPriority, hDS)
/* a DICOM Network handle */ |
L_UCHAR nPresentationID; |
/* presentation ID */ |
L_UINT16 nMessageID; |
/* message ID */ |
L_TCHAR * pszClass; |
/* class type */ |
L_UINT16 nPriority; |
/* priority of the message */ |
/* data set to be found */ |
Sends a C-FIND-REQ message to a peer member of a connection. This function is available in the Medical Suite Toolkit.
Parameter |
Description | |
hNet |
A DICOM Network handle to the peer member of the connection. | |
nPresentationID |
Presentation ID. The presentation ID provides information about both the class type of the data and the transfer syntax to use when transferring the data. | |
nMessageID |
Message ID. Each message sent by a member of a connection should have a unique ID. Since a member of a connection may send several messages, this ID allows that member to identify when a specific request has been completed. | |
pszClass |
Class affected by the request. This will be an SOP Class or an SOP MetaClass. | |
nPriority |
The priority level of the message. The Service Class Provider may or may not support priority. Therefore, setting this parameter may or may not have any effect. Possible values are: | |
Value |
Meaning |
[0x0002] Low priority message. |
[0x0000] Medium priority message. |
[0x0001] High priority message. |
hDS |
Pointer to the data set to be found. |
0 |
>0 |
An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes. |
Calling this function generates a call to RECEIVECFINDREQUESTCALLBACK on the SCP. The SCP should respond by calling L_DicomSendCFindResponse which will generate a call to RECEIVECFINDRESPONSECALLBACK.
You must create a data set and insert elements corresponding to the data you wish to find. A pointer to this data set is then passed as a parameter to this function.
Required DLLs and Libraries
LTDIC For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application |
See Also
Functions: |
Topics: |
#include <windowsx.h> #define FIND_TYPE_STUDY 1 #define FIND_TYPE_SERIES 2 #define FIND_TYPE_IMAGE 3 L_INT DicomSendCFindRequestExample( HWND hStudyList, HDICOMNET hNet, L_INT* gnFindType, L_INT* gnFindCount) { HDICOMPDU hPDU; L_UCHAR nID; HDICOMDS hDS=NULL; L_TCHAR szUID[200]; L_TCHAR szMsg[200]; long x; long lCount; L_TCHAR szFile[L_MAXPATH]; HANDLE hFile=NULL; pDICOMTAG pTag=NULL; pDICOMELEMENT pElement=NULL; L_INT nRet; /* this example sends a command that will find all STUDIES on a called AE that supports the Study Root Query/Retrieve Information Model - FIND SOP Class The results are stored in a ListBox named StudyList as each result is received in the NetReceiveCStoreRequest event */ /* delete all previous find results */ lCount = ListBox_GetCount(hStudyList); for(x=0; x<lCount; x++) { ListBox_GetText(hStudyList, x, szFile); hFile = CreateFile(szFile, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE, NULL); if(hFile) CloseHandle(hFile); } ListBox_ResetContent(hStudyList); *gnFindType = FIND_TYPE_STUDY; /* global variable used to distingish this find */ /* send a Find request to the server */ hPDU = L_DicomGetAssociate(hNet); lstrcpy(szUID, UID_STUDY_ROOT_QUERY_FIND); nID = L_DicomFindAbstract(hPDU, szUID); if(nID == 0) { wsprintf(szMsg, TEXT("Abstract Syntax %s Not Supported by Association!"), szUID); MessageBox(NULL, szMsg, TEXT("Error"), MB_OK); } else { /* create a find attribute data set */ hDS = L_DicomCreateDS(NULL); L_DicomInitDS(hDS, CLASS_UNKNOWN, 0); L_DicomResetDS(hDS); /* add the required fields for this seach */ pTag = L_DicomFindTag(TAG_QUERY_RETRIEVE_LEVEL); pElement = L_DicomInsertElement(hDS, NULL, FALSE, TAG_QUERY_RETRIEVE_LEVEL, pTag->nVR, FALSE, 0); if (pElement == NULL) { L_DicomFreeDS(hDS); return DICOM_ERROR_MEMORY; } /* we are searching at the study level */ L_DicomSetStringValue(hDS, pElement, TEXT("STUDY "), 1, DICOM_CHARACTER_SET_DEFAULT); pTag = L_DicomFindTag(TAG_STUDY_DATE); pElement = L_DicomInsertElement(hDS, NULL, FALSE, TAG_STUDY_DATE, pTag->nVR, FALSE, 0); if (pElement == NULL) { L_DicomFreeDS(hDS); return DICOM_ERROR_MEMORY; } pTag = L_DicomFindTag(TAG_STUDY_TIME); pElement = L_DicomInsertElement(hDS, NULL, FALSE, TAG_STUDY_TIME, pTag->nVR, FALSE, 0); if (pElement == NULL) { L_DicomFreeDS(hDS); return DICOM_ERROR_MEMORY; } pTag = L_DicomFindTag(TAG_ACCESSION_NUMBER); pElement = L_DicomInsertElement(hDS, NULL, FALSE, TAG_ACCESSION_NUMBER, pTag->nVR, FALSE, 0); if (pElement == NULL) { L_DicomFreeDS(hDS); return DICOM_ERROR_MEMORY; } pTag = L_DicomFindTag(TAG_PATIENT_NAME); pElement = L_DicomInsertElement(hDS, NULL, FALSE, TAG_PATIENT_NAME, pTag->nVR, FALSE, 0); if (pElement == NULL) { L_DicomFreeDS(hDS); return DICOM_ERROR_MEMORY; } pTag = L_DicomFindTag(TAG_PATIENT_ID); pElement = L_DicomInsertElement(hDS, NULL, FALSE, TAG_PATIENT_ID, pTag->nVR, FALSE, 0); if (pElement == NULL) { L_DicomFreeDS(hDS); return DICOM_ERROR_MEMORY; } pTag = L_DicomFindTag(TAG_STUDY_ID); pElement = L_DicomInsertElement(hDS, NULL, FALSE, TAG_STUDY_ID, pTag->nVR, FALSE, 0); if (pElement == NULL) { L_DicomFreeDS(hDS); return DICOM_ERROR_MEMORY; } pTag = L_DicomFindTag(TAG_STUDY_INSTANCE_UID); pElement = L_DicomInsertElement(hDS, NULL, FALSE, TAG_STUDY_INSTANCE_UID, pTag->nVR, FALSE, 0); if (pElement == NULL) { L_DicomFreeDS(hDS); return DICOM_ERROR_MEMORY; } /* optional tags */ pTag = L_DicomFindTag(TAG_STUDY_DESCRIPTION); pElement = L_DicomInsertElement(hDS, NULL, FALSE, TAG_STUDY_DESCRIPTION, pTag->nVR, FALSE, 0); if (pElement == NULL) { L_DicomFreeDS(hDS); return DICOM_ERROR_MEMORY; } pTag = L_DicomFindTag(TAG_PATIENT_BIRTH_DATE); pElement = L_DicomInsertElement(hDS, NULL, FALSE, TAG_PATIENT_BIRTH_DATE, pTag->nVR, FALSE, 0); if (pElement == NULL) { L_DicomFreeDS(hDS); return DICOM_ERROR_MEMORY; } pTag = L_DicomFindTag(TAG_PATIENT_SEX); pElement = L_DicomInsertElement(hDS, NULL, FALSE, TAG_PATIENT_SEX, pTag->nVR, FALSE, 0); if (pElement == NULL) { L_DicomFreeDS(hDS); return DICOM_ERROR_MEMORY; } pTag = L_DicomFindTag(TAG_OTHER_PATIENT_IDS); pElement = L_DicomInsertElement(hDS, NULL, FALSE, TAG_OTHER_PATIENT_IDS, pTag->nVR, FALSE, 0); if (pElement == NULL) { L_DicomFreeDS(hDS); return DICOM_ERROR_MEMORY; } /* now, send the command set and data set */ *gnFindCount = 0; /* global variable to cound results */ nRet = L_DicomSendCFindRequest(hNet, nID, 1, szUID, COMMAND_PRIORITY_MEDIUM, hDS); if (nRet != DICOM_SUCCESS) { L_DicomFreeDS(hDS); return nRet; } L_DicomFreeDS(hDS); } return DICOM_SUCCESS; }