Changes from Version 14.5 to Version 15
Version 15 of this API has changed from version 14.5 as follows:
Feature Updates:
LEADTOOLS Version 15 now supports both ANSI
and UNICODE development in the same libraries.
LEADTOOLS now supports development for x64
LEADTOOLS DICOM Version 15 adds support for
loading and saving 32-bit integer pixel data.
LEADTOOLS DICOM Version 15 adds a .Net Class
Library interface.
Example updates:
L_DicomSendNSetRequest has been replaced.
Topic updates:
The following topics have been added or updated:
The following topics have been removed:
Unlocking DICOM Support
Changed or removed functions:
The following functions have been changed:
L_DicomGetConvertValue takes 1 new parameter.
L_DicomSetStringValue takes 1 new parameter.
L_DicomGetCalled takes 2 new parameters.
L_DicomGetCalling takes 2 new parameters.
L_DicomGetApplication takes 2 new parameters.
L_DicomGetAbstract takes 2 new parameters.
L_DicomGetTransfer takes 2 new parameters.
L_DicomGetImplementClass takes 2 new parameters.
L_DicomGetImplementVersion takes 2 new parameters.
L_DicomGetHostInfo takes 1 new parameter.
L_DicomGetPeerInfo takes 1 new parameter.
Changed or removed structures:
The following structures have been changed:
DICOMELEMENT takes 1 new member.
For more information, refer to: