
#include "ltwrappr.h"

L_VOID LInetFtp::LInetFtp(L_VOID)

L_VOID LInetFtp::LInetFtp(pszServer, pszUserName = NULL, pszPassword = NULL, nPort = 21)

L_TCHAR *pszServer;

/* name of server to connect to */

L_TCHAR *pszUserName;

/* username for authentication */

L_TCHAR *pszPassword;

/* password for authentication */

L_INT nPort;

/* port number to connect to */

Constructs and initializes the member variables of the LInetFtp object.




Character string that contains the host name of an FTP server. This can be a URL, like, or it can contain the IP number of the site, in ASCII dotted-decimal format (for example,


Character string that contains the name of the user logging on. Default value is NULL. This is a NULL-terminated string.


Character string that contains the password to use when logging on. Default value is NULL. This is a NULL-terminated string.


Number of the TCP/IP port on the server to connect to. These flags set only the port that will be used. Use the default port for FTP servers: INTERNET_DEFAULT_FTP_PORT (port 21).




LInetFtp::LInetFtp() is the default LInetFtp constructor. After calling the this constructor, a user must call LInetFtp::Connect to establish a connection before using other functions.

LInetFtp::LInetFtp(pszServer, pszUserName = NULL, pszPassword = NULL, nPort = 21) is a constructor for the LInetFtp object. It connects to the FTP server. If both pszUserName and pszPassword are NULL, the connection is made anonymously.

A connection to an FTP server must be established before using any other FTP functions. If a connection is disconnected, via either LInetFtp::Disconnect or LInetFtp::~LInetFtp, then a connection must be re-established before any other FTP functions are called. LInetFtp::Connect and LInetFtp::LInetFtp can be used to establish a connection with an FTP server.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application

See Also


LInetFtp::~LInetFtp, LInetFtp::Connect, Class Members


FTP Functions: Connect / Disconnect Operations


How to Program with the LInetFtp Class


//This example for LInetFtp::LInetFtp(L_VOID)

//This example for LInetFtp::LInetFtp(L_VOID)
// This will call the default constructor and destructor when it is out of scope
L_INT LInetFtp_LInetFtpExample_1()
   LInetFtp InetFtp;
   // other code
   return SUCCESS;
/*This example for LInetFtp::LInetFtp(pszServer, pszUserName = NULL, pszPassword = NULL, nPort = 21)*/
// This example simulates storing a file on an FTP server
L_INT LInetFtp_LInetFtpExample_2(HWND hWndParent, L_TCHAR *pszSourceFileName, L_TCHAR *pszDistFileName)
   L_INT nRet;
   LInetFtp InetFtp(TEXT(""));
   // Checking if the connection failed
   nRet = InetFtp.GetErrorFromList ();
   if(nRet != SUCCESS)
      InetFtp.DisplayError (hWndParent, TEXT("Can't connect to the FTP server"));
      return nRet;
   nRet = InetFtp.CreateDir (TEXT("MyDirName"));
   if(nRet != SUCCESS)
      InetFtp.DisplayError(hWndParent, TEXT("Can't create a directory"));
      return nRet;
   nRet = InetFtp.SendFile (pszSourceFileName, pszDistFileName, SENDAS_BINARY);
   if(nRet != SUCCESS)
      nRet = InetFtp.DeleteDir (TEXT("MyDirName"));
      if(nRet != SUCCESS)
         return nRet;
      InetFtp.DisplayError (hWndParent, TEXT("Error while send the file"));
      return nRet;
   return SUCCESS;