Implementing Animation

To load and play an animation, you have to have a cell that contains multiple frames image, once you have it, you can play an animation just be calling the function LImageViewer::StartAnimation. You can also stop the animation anytime using the function LImageViewer::StopAnimation. To check whether the cell is animated or not, you can call the function LImageViewer::IsCellAnimated.

One powerful thing about the animation is that you can apply some action while the animation is running, like window level, alpha, offset…etc.

You can change the animation properties. Like which frames are going to be included in the animation and the direction of the animation…etc. This can be done by setting the desired values in the structure DISPANIMATIONPROPS. Using the function LImageViewer::SetAnimationProperties. You can retrieve the properties of the animation using the function LImageViewer::GetAnimationProperties.