Hot Spot Annotation Object


This topic is for Document/Medical only.

The Hot Spot annotation object (ANNOBJECT_HOTSPOT) is a rectangle that can be activated for an application-defined purpose. With the automated functions, in design mode, the rectangle contains a scaled image. The user clicks and drags to specify the rectangle in the current window. In run mode, the object is transparent, but the mouse pointer changes to a hand when it is over the object. Clicking on the button sends a WM_LTANNEVENT message that indicates an activation event.

For information on flipping, reversing or rotating annotation objects, refer to Flipping, Reversing and Rotating Annotation Objects.

With low-level functions, you must specify the defining rectangle. Other applicable properties have the following defaults, which you can change:

Active state

Defaults to disabled. It can be changed using the L_AnnSetActiveState function.


Defaults to FALSE. It can be changed using the L_AnnSetVisible function.


Defaults to FALSE. It can be changed using the L_AnnSetSelected function.


Defaults to an empty string. It can be changed using the L_AnnSetNameOptions function.


Defaults to a campfire graphic. It can be changed using the L_AnnSetMetafile function.

Fixed State

Defaults to not fixed. It can be changed using the L_AnnSetFixed function.


Defaults to None. It can be changed using the L_AnnSetHyperlink function.

Tag (identifier)

Defaults to 0. It can be changed using the L_AnnSetTag function.

Window handle

Defaults to NULL or the handle inherited from the container. It can be changed for all objects using the L_AnnSetWnd function.

User mode

Defaults to design mode or the mode inherited from the container. It can be changed for all objects using the L_AnnSetUserMode function.

Related topics:

image\sqrblit.gif Implementing Annotations.

image\sqrblit.gif Types of Annotations.

image\sqrblit.gif Low-Level Coordinate System for Annotations.

image\sqrblit.gif Annotation Objects - Automated Features

image\sqrblit.gif Using Annotation Bitmap Objects