ANNTOOL (Document/Medical only)

typedef struct _ANNTOOL
   L_UINT uStructSize; 
   L_UINT uTool;
   L_INT nMenuTextID;
   L_TCHAR * pMenuText;

The ANNTOOL structure contains information about a tool associated with a button in the annotation toolbar.




Size of this structure in bytes, for versioning. Use the sizeof() macro to calculate this value.


Constant that specifies an annotation tool. For a list of available tools, refer to Annotation Toolbar Buttons.


Index into the annotation menu dialog strings. If this value is -1, the menu text for the associated tool is in pMenuText. If this value is >= 0, the menu text for the associated tool comes the corresponding set of dialog strings.


Character string that contains the menu text for the associated tool. This is only valid if nMenuTextID is -1.


Some functions which take this structure as a parameter require that the structure be initialized prior to the function call. You must set the uStructSize member to the total size, in bytes, of the structure. Use the sizeof() macro to calculate this value. Functions that do not require the structure be initialized will take the total size of the structure, in bytes, as an additional function parameter.

See Also
