Demo Programs

The demo programs listed below are located in separate EXAMPLES subdirectories (such as C:\LEAD Technologies\LEADTOOLS 15\Examples\API).

Note: The executable files for these examples were compiled with Document/Medical capabilities. To get Document/Medical capabilities, you must buy a LEADTOOLS Document/Medical toolkit. Otherwise, if you recompile the examples, the resulting executable files will not have the Document/Medical capabilities.



Demonstrates features of the LEAD Advanced Bitonal Compression (ABC) format.


Demonstrates Animation viewing functionality.


Demonstrates the Annotation capabilities of the Document/Medical toolkit.


Loads the 24-bit image file specified on the command line and calls LBitmapBase::ColorRes  to optimize and dither the image to 8 bits per pixel.


Loads and displays the image file specified on the command line, then uses the LBuffer::ConvertColorSpace  function to convert from RGB to YUV, CMYK, and other formats, redisplaying the image after all conversions are complete.


Loads the image file specified on the command line, then displays the image, compresses the bitmap to file using a callback function, clears the bitmap, loads the compressed image, and displays the newly loaded image.


Demonstrates the functions that translate to and from Windows device independent bitmaps (DIBs) and device dependent bitmaps (DDBs).


Uses pull-down menus to show some of the drawing capabilities available with LEADTOOLS.


Loads and displays the 24-bit image file specified on the command line, then makes the following changes, redisplaying the image after each change: optimize to 8 bits per pixel, flip, lighten, resize, and rotate.


Loads and displays the 24-bit image file specified on the command line, then makes the following changes, redisplaying the image after each change: dither to 8 bits per pixel, reverse, grayscale, resize, and fill with one color.


Loads and displays the image file specified on the command line, copies the image data to a different bitmap, halftones the original image, restores the image by copying the handle of the new bitmap, then redisplays the image.


Demonstrates how to use LFile::FeedLoad and related functions by simulating the receipt of a transmitted image.


Displays image information from the file specified on the command line by simulating the receipt of a transmitted image.


Demonstrates converting images from one file formation to another.


Demonstrates working with regions to create floater bitmaps.


Loads the 24-bit image file specified on the command line, then rotates the image 90 degrees using LBitmapBase::GetRow and LBitmapBase::PutRowCol, and redisplays the image.


Demonstrates more of the advanced image processing functions.


Displays image information from the file specified on the command line.


Demonstrates features of the JPEG 2000 and LEAD CMW (wavelet) formats.


Loads the image file specified on the command line, using a callback function to display the image as it is loaded.


Uses pull-down menus to let the user load an image file, display the image in a window, and save the image to a specified file name, format, and bits per pixel.


Demonstrates the features of the LEADTOOLS Magnifying Glass.


The main example program. It uses pull-down menus to demonstrate most of the LEADTOOLS features in one application.


Demonstrates the ability to load a file from memory. It allocates memory, loads the image file specified on the command line into the allocated memory, then loads the image from memory to a bitmap using LMemoryFile::LoadMemory  and displays the image.


Demonstrates the ability use a callback function when loading a file from memory. It allocates memory, loads the image file specified on the command line into the allocated memory, then loads the image from memory to a bitmap using LMemoryFile::LoadMemory and a callback function, and displays the image.


Demonstrates the LEADTOOLS special effects, including paint effects, transitions, three-dimensional text, and three-dimensional shapes.


Demonstrates saving annotations as multi-page files.


Demonstrates the ability to load an image file that is embedded in a larger file. It does so by using the LFile::LoadOffset function, which lets you specify the offset and the size of the embedded file. This example first loads the normal image file specified on the command line. It embeds the image in a second file, which is specified in the second command line argument. It then loads and displays the embedded file.


Loads the image file specified on the command line, and displays the image. The user can then choose a menu option to modify the source and display rectangles, and redisplay the image to see the changes.


Uses pull-down menus to demonstrate the various transitional painting effects that are available with LEADTOOLS.


Demonstrates how to use the LBaseFile::EnableRedirectIO function. It redirects the standard I/O functions so that they read and seek into the allocated memory rather than a file.


Loads the image file specified on the command line, resizing the image while loading it. It then places the resized image over the original and displays the combined image.


Demonstrates working with regions when performing image processing.


Demonstrates the registration mark functionality for document images.


Loads the image file specified on the command line, then displays the image and saves it to the current directory using a callback and status window.


Demonstrates the ability to save a file in memory. It lets the user load an image file, display the image in a window, and save the image to a file in memory.


Uses pull-down menus to let the user load an image file, display the image in a window, and use zooming and scrolling features. In doing so, it also demonstrates the ability of the LPaint::PaintDC function to automatically dither a 16-, 24-, or 32-bit image when displaying on a 4- or 8-bit device.


Demonstrates simple load and display functionality.


Reads a thumbnail (stamp) image stored in a compressed file that the user selects; then displays the image in a window. The only valid input file is a LEAD or JPEG file that is compressed with a stamp image. (Use the STAMPPUT example first to create an image file that contains a thumbnail.)


Loads the image file specified on the command line, calls LBitmapBase::ColorRes (if necessary) to obtain a 24 bit image, calls LFile::SaveFile  to compress the image to STAMP.CMP (a LEAD CMP compressed file format), then loads the stamp to a bitmap and displays the stamp.


Reads and displays all files from the directory specified on the command line. It creates a new thread to load images while the main thread paints the last image that was loaded. When the last image is loaded, the example uses the last image to cycle through the paint effects.


Demonstrates the LBitmapBase::Underlay function. It loads two images specified on the command line and displays the first one. It then combines the images using the second one as an underlying image, and displays the combined image.


Demonstrates the LBitmapBase::CombineBitmapWarp function. It lets you load a master image and a slave image and, through the use of a polygon annotation, select the area of the master image to which to warp the slave image. For more information on using this demo, refer to Using the Image Warping Demo.


Demonstrates the zoom view functionality. It lets you load an image and, zoom any portion of the image. As long as the user moves the rectangle of the selected portion to be zoomed, the zoom view window will zoom that portion. In addition, the user can create multiple zoom views.

For more code samples, refer to:

LEADTOOLS Support Forums

LEADTOOLS Documentation

Sample Programs

Raster Imaging Tutorials

See Also:

Getting Started with Leadtools