
#include "ltwrappr.h"

virtual L_INT LBitmap::SliceCallBack(Bitmap, lpSliceRect, nAngle)

LBitmapBase &Bitmap;

/* pointer to the bitmap */

LPRECT lpSliceRect;

/* pointer to the bounding rectangle of the extracted slice */

L_INT nAngle;

/* deskew angle */

Handles each slice segment found by the LBitmap::Slice function.




Optional parameter that points to the bitmap handle referencing the sliced bitmaps. It is the programmer's responsibility to free this bitmap (using LBitmapBase::Free, and GlobalFree(pBitmap)) when it is no longer needed. This parameter is updated only if SLC_CUTSLICES flag of the SLICEBITMAPOPTIONS structure is used, else it will be NULL.


Pointer to a RECT structure that contains the bounding rectangle of the extracted slice.


Deskew angle. The amount of rotation is expressed in hundredths of degrees. For example, 500 means 5 degrees clockwise.



Continue the process.


Stop the process and return the specified error code. Refer to Return Codes.


Please note that the slice functionality is not currently supported in the Class Library. However, this functionality can be implemented by calling the API function directly. For a code sample that indicates how to call the API function from your code, refer to LBitmap::Slice.

The callback is called once for each slice that is detected. Return a positive number to continue the process. Return a negative number to abort.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.

See Also




Processing an Image


Raster Image Functions: Creating and Maintaining Lists of Images


Raster Image Functions: Creating and Using a Region


For an example, refer to LBitmap::Slice.