Additional Medical Imaging Features
The LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging and LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging Suite provide support for some Image Display and Image Processing features that are not supported in the LEADTOOLS Raster Imaging Pro product. This additional support includes:
High-level display components for building DICOM viewers,
view stations and high-end diagnostic workstations.
12 and 16 bit grayscale image features, chosen and
optimized to meet the specific demands of the medical imaging market.
8-16 bit grayscale lossy and lossless JPEG and JPEG
2000 compression.
Support for DICOM MPEG2 compression.
*TWAIN scanning (16-bit grayscale and up to 48-bit
Importing to/exporting from 10, 12 and 16-bit grayscale
TIFF files and 48 and 64-bit color TIFF files.
Importing to/exporting from JFIF (JPEG) and JTIF (TIFF
with JPEG) files compressed using 12-bit grayscale lossy or 16-bit lossless
On-the-fly re-mapping of 10 –16 bit grayscale images
to Windows display devices, using an LUT with pseudo color support.
Painting 10 - 16-bit images using Bilinear or Bi-cubic
resizing on-the-fly.
12 and 16 bit grayscale image processing and display
with LUT and window leveling.
Support for saving the grayscale LUT information when
the image is saved as a grayscale TIFF.
16-bit Grayscale histograms.
Auto detection of the minimum and maximum intensity,
and low and high bits used in the image data.
Conversion of 12 to 16- bit grayscale images to 8-bit
or 24 bit.
Creating or loading 12 and 16- bit grayscale and 48
and 64 bit color images from raw data from disk, memory, or file offset.
Native support for signed images.
16-bit image data in Intel or Motorola formats.
Image Overlays.
Support for modality LUT, VOI LUT and DICOM Palette
Color Tables.
Support for digital subtraction.
Support for local histogram equalize.
Support for multi-scale enhancement for CR images.
Finding the skeleton of regions or objects in a bitmap.
Support for extracting individual slices from a radiographic
scanned filem (used with Medical Imagers and Digitizers).
MRI brain analysis tools.
*NOTE: At the time of release, 64-bit TWAIN and related drivers were not available. As soon as 64-bit TWAIN becomes available, LEADTOOLS will release 64-bit TWAIN support.
Supported Platforms
Additional Medical Imaging – API