Scanning/Capturing Class Library


Header File


Help Files

Demo Project Source Code



The LTwain class is derived from LScanner and provides support for acquiring images from *TWAIN compatible data sources such as scanners and digital cameras. This class provides functionality for enumerating and selecting *TWAIN data sources, displaying the data source's built-in user interface, acquiring single or multiple images, and setting acquisition parameters without using the built-in UI.

TWAIN C++ CLib WebHelp







The LScreenCapture class is derived from LBase. This class provides the functionality for capturing images from the screen. It provides functions to capture a specific window, active window, active client area, mouse cursor, Windows object, user-defined area, menus and resources from executable files. This class supports capturing a single image or multiple images with a single capture session.

Raster C++ CLib WebHelp



The LEADTOOLS Class Library provides low level support for Scanning/Capture.

The LEADTOOLS Class Library DLL module is LTWVC15?.DLL. All classes are located in this DLL, but this DLL may require other DLLs. Refer to the "Files To Be Included With Your Application" topic in the help file for more information.

*NOTE: At the time of release, 64-bit TWAIN and related drivers were not available. As soon as 64-bit TWAIN becomes available, LEADTOOLS will release 64-bit TWAIN support.