DICOM Security Features

LEADTOOLS Dicom Security features support the Secure Transport Connection Profiles as specified in part 15 of the DICOM 3 standard. This support includes the Basic TLS Secure Transport Connection Profile and ISCL Secure Transport Connection Profile to help integrators create DICOM applications with communication to be HIPPA compliant.

The LEADTOOLS DICOM Security features include:

Computer or Entity Authentication


Data Integrity.

TLS using the Secure Hash Algorithm message authentication

Authentication based on RSA certificates

DES and triple DES (3DES) encryption mode

"Three-pass-four-way" mutual authentication protocol support

Ciphersuite negotiation.

DES-CBC encryption (ISCL standard DES encryption in cipher block chaining mode)

No encryption (ISCL standard)

DESMAC (64 bit) and MD5 (128 bit) message authentication codes (ISCL)

Support for the INTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command

Support for the EXTERNAL AUTHENTICATE command

Support for the GETCHALLENGE command

The ability to send secured or unsecured messages, regardless of the encryption mode

Supported platforms:

DICOM Security - API

DICOM Security - Class Library

DICOM Security - .NET and COM