Files and File Formats

LEADTOOLS currently supports over 150 different image formats and sub formats, and continues to expand support for new formats and new format sub-types in response to the ever changing demands of developers worldwide.

With over 15 years in the field and thousands of customers in all areas of applications development, LEAD Technologies always strives to provide the most complete support for the tremendous variety of image formats available.

Each image format has its own unique set of load/save/display options, which may encompass varying types and/or degrees of compression, a range of image information bit-depths, progressive (multi-pass) image display, the ability to maintain multi-page or multi-channel images, animations, or non-image data, just to name a few.

LEAD constantly adds support for new file formats, and "flavor" support to formats already supported, giving your applications the flexibility to support almost any image you encounter. You can count on LEADTOOLS to have the most thorough and highest performance implementation of image format specifications, and you can depend on LEADTOOLS to offer the most flexibility and control of these options to you, the software developer.

Visit LEAD’s website at for a complete, current list of LEADTOOLS’ file format support.

Key Features:

RASTER Formats: File formats in this list are loaded and treated as raster bitmap images in memory.

Color and Grayscale

Miixed Raster Content
Bitonal (Black and White)

MULTIMEDIA Formats: File formats in this list are loaded as multimedia objects by using a LEADTOOLS Multimedia product.

VECTOR Formats: File formats in this list are loaded and treated as vector objects in memory using LEADTOOLS Vector Imaging Pro.

 RASTER Formats

Color and Grayscale



LMB—LMB Format

ANI—Windows Animated Cursor


ANI—Windows Animated Cursor

MPG—MPG Format

AVI—Windows AVI Format

NITF—National Imagery Transmission Format *****

BMP—Bitmap Formats

PBM, PPM, PNM and PGM—Portable Bitmap Utilities

CAL—Cals Format

PCD—Kodak Photo CD Format (32-bit only)

CGM—Computer Graphics Metafile *

PCL—Printer Command Language Format **

CIN—Kodak Cineon

PCT—Macintosh Pict Format *

CLP—Microsoft Windows Clipboard

PCX and DCX—PCX Formats

CMW—LEAD Wavelet

PDF—Portable Document Format *****

CMX—Corel Presentation Exchange Format *


CRW—Canon RAW Format (32-bit only)

PNG—Portable Network Graphics Format


PNG—Portable Network Graphics Format

CUT—Dr. Halo

PSD—Adobe PhotoShop Format

DCR, DCS—Professional Digital Camera
(32-bit only)

PSP—Paint Shop Pro Format


RAS—SUN Raster Format

DIC, DCM—DICOM Format **

RAW—Uncompress Raw Data


RTF—Rich Text Format

DRW—DRaWing *

SCT—Scitex Continuous Tone Format

DWF—DWF Format *

SFF—Structured Fax Format

DWG—DWG Format *

SGI—Silicon Graphics Image Format

DXF—Drawing Interchange Format **

SHP—ESRI Shapefile Format *

ECW—Enhanced Compressed Wavelet

SID—32-bit only—MrSID Format

EPS, PS—Encapsulated PostScript

SVG—Scalable Vector Graphics *

FIT—Flexible Image Transport System

TFX—Internet Fax Format

FLC and FLI—Flic Animation

TGA—Truevision TARGA Format

FPX—Flashpix Format ****

TIFF and JPG—Exif Formats

GBR—Gerber *

TIFF—With and Without LZW Compression

GIF—Graphics Interchange Format (with LZW Compression)

TXT—Text Format

HDP—JPEG XR / Windows HD Photo Format

VWPG—WordPerfect Vector Format *

ICO—VISTA Icon Format

WBMP—Wireless Bitmap Format

IFF—Interchange File Formats

WFX—WinFax Format

J2K—J2K Format

WMF and EMF—Windows Metafile Formats **

JBG—JBIG Format ***

WMP—Wireless Bitmap

JP2—JPEG 2000 Format ***

WMZ—Compressed Windows Metafile

JPG and CMP—JPEG and LEAD Compressed

WPG—WordPerfect Format

JPX—JPEG 2000 (Part 6)


KDC—Kodak Digital Camera (32-bit only)

XWD—X WindowDump

LMA—LMA Format

XPS—XML Paper Specification


Mixed Raster Content





Bitonal (Black and White)



JBIG2— JBIG2 Format***


Laser View LaserData (Read Only)

AWD—Microsoft Fax (32-bt only)

MAC, IMG, and MSP— Miscellaneous 1-Bit Formats

CMP—LEAD 1-Bit Format

SMP— SMP Format

IOCA/MODCA—Image Object Content Architecture Format

TIFF CCITT and Other FAX Formats

ITG—Intergraph Format

XBM— XBitMap Format



LEADTOOLS Multimedia

Includes all the filters and codecs you need to create multimedia converters, multimedia players and applications that capture from multimedia devices.


Includes all the filters, codecs, and multiplexers/demultiplexers you need to create, edit, playback, and burn DVD images.

LEADTOOLS Video Streaming Module

Includes all the filters, codecs, and multiplexers/demultiplexers you need to serve Videos on Demand or create Video Conferencing applications. 


VECTOR Formats *


CGM—Computer Graphics Metafile *

PCT—Macintosh Pict Format *

CMX—Corel Presentation Exchange Format *

PCL—Printer Command Language Format **

DGN—Microstation DGN *


DRW—DRaWing *

SHP—ESRI Shape Format *

DXF—Drawing Interchange Format **

SVG—Scalable Vector Graphic****

DWF—DWF Format *


DWG—DWG Format *

WMF and EMF—Windows Metafile Formats **

GBR—Gerber *

VWPG—WordPerfect Format *


VEC—LEADTOOLS Vector Dump Format


* Requires the purchase of a LEADTOOLS Vector imaging product.

** DICOM and DICOM-related formats require purchase of a LEADTOOLS Medical Imaging product.

*** FlashPix, JBIG, JBIG2, and JPEG 2000 write support require purchase of a LEADTOOLS Document, Vector, or Medical imaging product (JPEG 2000 read support is included with all products).

**** FlashPix requires purchase of a LEADTOOLS Raster Pro, Document, Vector, or Medical imaging product).

***** NITF support requires purchase of the LEADTOOLS NITF Plug-in. PDF support requires purchase of the LEADTOOLS PDF Plug-in.

Supported Platforms:

Files and File Formats API

Files and File Formats Class Library

Files and File Formats .NET and COM