Querying studies on the server

Figure-6 Query Studies

The “Search” button on the query page can be implemented to invoke the web service FindStudies method, as shown below:

private void _lbSearch_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) 
    using(MainService service = new MainService())
      DataSet ds = service.FindStudies(  "guest", 
                              //The actual code uses "user name" from the session "guest",
               //The actual code uses "password" from the session _tbPatientName.Text,
                              //patient name  _tbPatientID.Text, 
                              //patient ID _tbStudyID.Text, 
                              //Study ID _tbAccessionNumber.Text, 
                              //Accession Number  _tbReferDrName.Text, 
                              //Referring Dr Name _tbStudyDateStart.Text, 
                              //Study start date _tbStudyDateEnd.Text, 
                              //Study end date string.Empty, 
                              //No sorting false, 
                              //Sort order 10); 
                              //10 rows maximum 
    //Bind the Studies datagrid with this data and update the UI if necessary.