Changes from Version 13 to Version 14
Version 14 of the LEADTOOLS Mixed Raster Contents API has changed from Version 13 as follows:
LEADTOOLS Mixed Raster Contents API now supports
Changed Functions:
The following functions have been changed from the previous version of LEADTOOLS:
L_MrcLoadBitmap takes 1 new parameter uStructSize.
L_MrcSegmentBitmap has different parameters.
L_MrcEnumSegments has different parameters.
L_MrcSaveBitmap has different parameters.
L_MrcSaveBitmapT44 has different parameters.
MRCENUMSEGMENTSPROC has different members.
Deleted Functions:
L_MrcEndBitmapSegmentation has been changed to L_MrcStopBitmapSegmentation.
L_MrcSetStripeSegment has been changed to L_MrcCreateNewSegment.
L_MrcUpdateSegmentData has been changed to L_MrcSetSegmentData.
New Functions:
For more information, refer to: