
#include "ltmm.h"

C Syntax

HRESULT IltmmConvert__get_AudioCompressors(pConvert, pVal)

C++ Syntax

HRESULT get_AudioCompressors(pVal)


IltmmConvert *pConvert;

/* pointer to an interface */

IltmmCompressors **pVal;

/* pointer to a pointer to an interface*/

Retrieves the audio compressor Also known as an encoder Also known as compressor, this is a module or algorithm to compress data. Playing that data back requires a decompressor, or decoder., this is a module or algorithm to compress data. Playing that data back requires a decompressor, or decoder Also known as a decompressor, this is a module or algorithm to decompress data.. collection object.




Pointer to an IltmmConvert interface.


Pointer to a variable to be updated with an IltmmCompressors (audio compressor collection interface) pointer. The IltmmCompressors interface referenced by this pointer contains information on the available audio compressors.



The function was successful.

<> S_OK

An error occurred. Refer to the Error Codes or the HRESULT error codes in the DirectShow documentation.


The returned IltmmCompressors interface is used to enumerate registered audio compressors, and to select an audio compressor for the conversion process. See IltmmCompressors for details.

If the function succeeds, the user should release the returned interface pointer by calling the interface’s Release method.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.

See Also




Multimedia Function Group


IltmmCompressors Interface


IltmmmConvert Interface


How to Use the DVD Writer to Write a DVD Image


For a C example, refer to Recompressing an AVI File for C.

For a C++ example, refer to Recompressing an AVI File for C++.