The LEADTOOLS Multimedia product line incorporates DirectShow playback functionality into DLL API making it easy to use in non-C compilers that support them.
For full details on LEADTOOLS Multimedia Playback functions, refer to IltmmPlay topics under Multimedia Function References.
Multimedia Playback functionality includes:
Save still bitmaps with control over format
and quality.
Save player settings to files and streams
- settings include processors, flags and controls.
Support for DVD navigation.
Ability to use a preferred MPEG2 splitter
when playing MPEG2 files.
Ability to choose the place from where the
still images are captured.
Ability to play all formats supported by
Select devices for playback. For example,
select the sound card, if multiple sound cards are installed, to playback
Time-based, frame-based or synchronized with
a track bar positioning.
Read and seek DV timecode data.
Mark the start point and end point to play.
Set infinite loop or a repeat count.
Get content information such as author, copyright,
Support for any DirectShow video and DirectShow
audio processing filters.
Support for zooming the video during playback:
Fit to window, stretch, 50%, 75%, 100%, 200%, and full screen video options.
Play streaming music and video from memory.
Grab the current frame from the screen.
Control the playback speed (2x, 3x, 4x, 1/2x,
1/3x, 1/4x)
Examples of applications that take advantage of the above functionality:
Player software for music from a streaming
audio hosting service.
Player software for movies from a streaming
video hosting service.
Player software for streaming audio and video.
Player software for AVI, MP3, MPEG, ASF,
WMA, etc files.
Windows media player like applications.
Video conferencing - when used with capture,
playback the samples sent over the network.