ltmmTargetFormat_Stream Constants

typedef enum ltmmTargetFormat_Stream
   ltmmTargetFormat_Stream_Audio = 0x0001,
   ltmmTargetFormat_Stream_Video = 0x0002,
   ltmmTargetFormat_Stream_CC = 0x0004,
   ltmmTargetFormat_Stream_Midi = 0x0008,
   ltmmTargetFormat_Stream_Other = 0x0010,
} ltmmTargetFormat_Stream;

The ltmmTargetFormat_Stream constants specify the streams that a target format The format to be used for the converted file. This includes the file format, any special settings used by that format, and which audio and/or video codec A COmpressor combined with a DECompressor, or encoder and a decoder, which allows you to both compress and decompress that same data. is to be used for the conversion, and any special settings used by the codecs. can have.




[0x0001] Audio stream The portion of the file holding the audio data. The audio data might be compressed to save disk space. The data has to be decompressed using an audio decompressor oftware component which decompresses audio. It must be designed to work with ACM or DirectShow . Note that different compression methods require different decompressors. There is no universal decompressor capable of decoding all compressed streams. before you can play (hear) it..


[0x0002] Video stream The portion of the file holding the video data. The video data might be compressed to save disk space. The data has to be decompressed using a video decompressor Software component that decompresses video. It must be designed to work with VFW or DirectShow. Note that different compression methods require different decompressors. There is no universal decompressor capable of decoding all compressed streams. before you can play (see) it..


[0x0004] Closed caption stream.


[0x0008] Midi stream.


[0x0010] Undefined stream.