ltmmCaptureCtrl.SaveStillBitmap Method

Visual Basic


object.SaveStillBitmap(FileName As String, Format As Long, Quality As Long, Flags As Long, Timeout As Long,)


Saves a snapshot from the running stream to a file, as a bitmap.

This method blocks (does not return) until the timeout occurs or the sample is snapped.

The following methods can also be used to obtain still images:

ltmmCaptureCtrl.GetStillDIB method

ltmmCaptureCtrl.GetStillPicture method

ltmmCaptureCtrl.SaveStillDIB method

See Also


ltmmCaptureCtrl.GetStillDIB method, ltmmCaptureCtrl.GetStillPicture method, ltmmCaptureCtrl.SaveStillDIB method


Multimedia Properties, Methods and Events