My Second Convert (Visual Basic)
The ltmmConvertCtrl object allows the user to recompress multimedia files or convert from one multimedia format to another. Using the following steps:
1. |
Start with the project that you created in My First Convert. |
2. |
Choose Tools –> Menu Editor menu item. |
3. |
Add 1 Main menu items and 1 sub menu item to this main menu item and name them as follows. Note that menuVideoDevice is the menu item, and menuVideoDeviceAll is the sub menu item of it. |
Name |
Caption |
Index |
menuVideoCompressor |
&Video Compressor Also known as an encoder Also known as compressor, this is a module or algorithm to compress data. Playing that data back requires a decompressor, or decoder., this is a module or algorithm to compress data. Playing that data back requires a decompressor, or decoder Also known as a decompressor, this is a module or algorithm to decompress data.. |
Do not fill it. |
menuVideoCompressorAll |
&None |
0 |
4. |
Add another 1 Main menu items and another 1 sub menu item to this main menu item and name them as follows. Note that menuAudioDevice is the menu item, and menuAudioDeviceAll is the sub menu item of it. |
Name |
Caption |
Index |
menuAudioCompressor |
&Audio Compressor |
Do not fill it. |
menuAudioCompressorAll |
&None |
0 |
5. |
Update the Form_Load Sub to be as follows: |
Private Sub Form_Load()
'Define the source file.
ltmmConvertCtrl1.SourceFile = "c:\source.avi"
'Define the Target or output file.
ltmmConvertCtrl1.TargetFile = "c:\target.avi"
' Enumerate the Video\Audio Compressors.
' Update the menu items
End Sub
6. |
Handle the menuVideoCompressorAll menu item Click event, and code menuVideoCompressorAll_Click Sub as follows: |
Private Sub menuVideoCompressorAll_Click(index As Integer)
Dim compressors As IltmmCompressors
MousePointer = vbHourglass
Set compressors = ltmmConvertCtrl1.VideoCompressors
compressors.Selection = menuVideoCompressorAll(index).Tag
Cursor = crDefault
End Sub
7. |
Handle the menuAudioCompressorAll menu item Click event, and code menuAudioCompressorAll_Click Sub as follows: |
Private Sub menuAudioCompressorAll_Click(index As Integer)
Dim compressors As IltmmCompressors
MousePointer = vbHourglass
Set compressors = ltmmConvertCtrl1.AudioCompressors
compressors.Selection = menuAudioCompressorAll(index).Tag
MousePointer = vbDefault
End Sub
8. |
Add the body of BuildCompressorMenu, and UpdateMenuStatus Subs to your project. |
Sub BuildCompressorMenu()
Dim i As Integer
Dim count As Integer
Dim name As String
count = ltmmConvertCtrl1.VideoCompressors.count
menuVideoCompressorAll(0).Caption = "No Recompression"
menuVideoCompressorAll(0).Tag = -1
If (count > 0) Then
For i = 0 To count - 1
name = ltmmConvertCtrl1.VideoCompressors.Item(i).FriendlyName
Load menuVideoCompressorAll(i + 1)
menuVideoCompressorAll(i + 1).Caption = name
menuVideoCompressorAll(i + 1).Tag = i
End If
count = ltmmConvertCtrl1.AudioCompressors.count
menuAudioCompressorAll(0).Caption = "No Recompression"
menuAudioCompressorAll(0).Tag = -1
If (count > 0) Then
For i = 0 To count - 1
name = ltmmConvertCtrl1.AudioCompressors.Item(i).FriendlyName
Load menuAudioCompressorAll(i + 1)
menuAudioCompressorAll(i + 1).Caption = name
menuAudioCompressorAll(i + 1).Tag = i
End If
End Sub
Sub UpdateMenuStatus()
Dim i As Integer
Dim index As Integer
Dim state As Boolean
Dim compressors As IltmmCompressors
state = (ltmmConvertCtrl1.state <> ltmmCapture_State_Running)
' Video Compressors menu Item
Set compressors = ltmmConvertCtrl1.VideoCompressors
index = compressors.Selection
For i = 0 To compressors.count
menuVideoCompressorAll(i).Enabled = state
For i = 0 To compressors.count
If (menuVideoCompressorAll(i).Tag = index) Then
menuVideoCompressorAll(i).Checked = True
menuVideoCompressorAll(i).Checked = False
End If
' Audio Compressors menu Item
Set compressors = ltmmConvertCtrl1.AudioCompressors
index = compressors.Selection
For i = 0 To compressors.count
menuAudioCompressorAll(i).Enabled = state
For i = 0 To compressors.count
If (menuAudioCompressorAll(i).Tag = index) Then
menuAudioCompressorAll(i).Checked = True
menuAudioCompressorAll(i).Checked = False
End If
End Sub
9. |
Handle the ltmmConvertCtrl1 Complete event, and code the ltmmConvertCtrl1_Complete Sub as follows: |
Private Sub ltmmConvertCtrl1_Complete ()
'indicate that the conversion has completed
Caption = "Conversion completed."
End Sub
10. |
Handle the ltmmConvertCtrl1 ErrorAbort event, and code the ltmmConvertCtrl1_ErrorAbort Sub as follows: |
Private Sub ltmmConvertCtrl1_ErrorAbort(ByVal ErrorCode As Long)
'indicate that a conversion error has occurred
Caption = "Error " + CStr(ErrorCode) + ". Conversion aborted."
End Sub
11. |
Handle the ltmmConvertCtrl1 Progress event, and code the ltmmConvertCtrl1_Progress Sub as follows: |
Private Sub ltmmConvertCtrl1_Progress(ByVal Percent As Long)
'update the percentage text
Caption = CStr(Percent) + "%"
End Sub
12. |
Handle the ltmmConvertCtrl1 Started event, and code the ltmmConvertCtrl1_Started Sub as follows: |
Private Sub ltmmConvertCtrl1_Started()
Caption = "Started"
End Sub
13. |
Run your program to test it. |