
ltmmCaptureCtrl.MouseIcon Property

Visual Basic Example


object.MouseIcon As IPictureDisp


Sets a custom mouse icon. You can set this property to a cursor or icon file. Then, you can set the MousePointer property to 99 to implement the custom mouse icon.

Assignment could raise an error exception. For more information, refer to the Error Codes.

Note to .NET programmers:

In .NET, Microsoft is wrapping this property and typing it as Image. Because it is typed as an image,  VB converts the icon to a bitmap before the assignment (but the image must be an icon in order to work!). The solution is to access the unwrapped ActiveX control and pass an unaltered icon to it.

To use this property in VB.NET, use the following code:

Dim icon1 As New Icon(Me.GetType(), "XXX.ICO")

Me.AxltmmCaptureCtrl1.GetOcx().MouseIcon = Microsoft.VisualBasic.Compatibility.VB6.IconToIPicture(icon1)

Make sure to add the Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Compatibility Runtime reference to your project.

See Also


ltmmCaptureCtrl.MousePointer Property