LEAD Audio Flanger FilterUser Interface

The Flanger Audio filter creates a characteristic sound often described as a "whooshing" sound, similar to the sound of a jet plane flying overhead. The property page is shown in the following figure:

The property page provides a user interface for changing the filter's attributes. Changes will be applied directly to the streaming media with the ability to set them permanently by clicking Apply or OK, or to abandon changes by clicking Cancel. Positioning the mouse pointer over a control displays general information for that control. The following table shows the controls and their descriptions:



Enable check box

Enables/Disables the effect.

Combine check box

If selected, preserves the difference between the wet and dry mixes.

Wet mix % slider

Controls the level of processed signals. Adjust to control the pass-through volume of the processed signal.

Dry mix % slider

Controls the level of unprocessed signals. Adjust to control the pass-through volume of the unprocessed signal.

Feedback % slider

Controls the feedback of the repeated signal, by default from -100 to 100. Zero feedback will result in only a single repeat, while nonzero feedback settings will generate numerous repeats.

Delay slider

Controls the level of flange effect: larger values result in greater delay times.

Stereo slider

Controls the phase difference between the left and right channel.

Rate slider

Controls the rate at which the LFO waveform repeats itself.

By increasing the speed, the flanger will have to sweep through the depth in less time.

Sweep slider

Controls how wide the sweep is in terms of delay time - essentially the width of the LFO. This sweep depth is the maximum additional delay that is added to the signal in addition to the delay in the delay parameter.

Default button

Restores properties to their default values.

Set as Default button

Saves the current property values as the default values.