LEAD Video EFX Aging Filter User Interface

The Aging Video filter adds random scratches and noise to a movie, giving it the appearance of an old film (Color or B&W). The property page is shown in the following figure:

The Aging property page provides a user interface for changing the filter's attributes.

Changes will be applied directly to the streaming media with the ability to set them permanently by clicking Apply or OK, or to abandon changes by clicking Cancel. Positioning the mouse pointer over a control displays general information for that control. The following table shows the controls and their descriptions:




Enable check box

Enables/Disables the effect.

Movie Colors group


All, Channel 1, Channel 2, Channel 3, Luminence

Selects the color channel to which to apply the filter. This assumes the video is RGB24. Possible values are:
All: the aging is applied to all three channels.
Channel 1
: first channel is used in generating the aging effect.
Channel 2
: second channel is used in generating the aging effect.
Channel 3
: third channel is used in generating the aging effect.
: luminance is calculated from the three channels and is used in generating the aging effect.

Enable old color check box

Indicates whether to apply the "old style" movie colors. If selected, the old style movie colors will be applied. If un-checked, the colors will not be altered.

Enable scratches check box

Indicates to add the appearance of scratches. If checked, add scratch lines, if un-checked, do not add scratch lines.

Maximum number of scratches slider

Maximum number of scratches in a frame.

Scratch height slider

Maximum scratch height. The range of this value is from 1 to the height of the source video.

Dust group


Enable dust check box

Indicates whether to add the appearance of dust to the movie. If checked, add dust, if un-checked, do not add dust.

Random dust check box

Indicates whether the dust should be added randomly. If checked, dust should be added randomly, if un-checked dust should be added in a custom fashion.

If un-checked, the Random Dust density, Always add dust, Dust Density & Dust colors controls are used.

Random density check box

Indicates whether the density of the dust added will be random or customized. If checked, density of the added dust will be random, if un-checked, density of the added dust is determined by the Dust Density control.

Dust Density slider

Controls the density of the dust added to the movie. Used only if Random density is checked. Range 0 to 100.

Always add dust check box

Indicates whether dust should be added to random frames or every frame. If checked, dust should appear in every frame, if un-checked, dust should be added to random frames.

Set color button

Sets the dust color. Used only if Custom is checked.

Dust colors group


Random radio button

If checked, random color is used for the dust.

Original radio button

If checked, original dust color (black) will be used.

Custom radio button

If checked, custom dust color will be used. Set the custom color using the Set color control.

Pits group


Enable pits check box

Indicates whether to add or remove pits. If checked, add pits, if un-checked, do not add pits.

Random pits check box

Indicates whether the addition of pits should be random or customized. If checked, add pits randomly, if un-checked add pits based on the Random pits density, Always add pits, Pits Density and Pits Colors controls.

Random density checkbox

Flag that indicates whether the density of the pits added will be random or customized. If checked, density of the added pits will be random, if un-checked, density of the added pits is determined by the Pits Density control.

Pits Density slider

Controls the density of the pits added to the movie. Used only if Random density is checked. Range: 0 to 100.

Always add pits check box

Indicates whether pits should be added to random frames or every frame. If checked, pits should appear in every frame, if un-checked, pits should be added to random frames.

Pits colors group


Random radio button

If checked, random color is used for the pits.

Original radio button

If checked, original pit color (gray) will be used.

Custom radio button

If checked, custom pit color will be used. Set the custom color using the Set color control.

Set color button

Sets the pit color. Used only if Custom is checked.

Enable effect area check box

Enables/Disables the effect for a cropped video area. Area limits are set using the Left, Top, Right and Bottom controls.

Left spin edit control

Left boundary of the effect area.

Top spin edit control

Top boundary of the effect area.

Right spin edit control

Right boundary of the effect area.

Bottom spin edit control

Bottom boundary of the effect area.