LEAD MPEG2 Transport UDP Sink
The LEAD MPEG2 Transport UDP Sink is a DirectShow Ò filter for streaming data from a UDP or TCP port. The data is usually in an MPEG-2 Transport format, as defined in ISO/IEC 13818-1.
This filter supports the standard IFileSinkFilter interface. Use the IFileSinkFilter::SetFileName method to let the LEAD MPEG2 Transport UDP Sink filter know where to send the data to (UDP streaming) or which port to listen to (TCP streaming). Please see the Microsoft documentation for this interface for more information.
Technical details for the filter are provided in the following table:
Filter Interfaces |
IFileSinkFilter |
Interface ID |
IID_IFileSinkFilter |
Input Media Types |
Type: Or the media type passed to IFileSinkFilter::SetFileName |
Output Media Types |
N/A |
Filter CLSID |
Property Page CLSID |
N/A |
Executable |
LMUDPSnk.dll, DSKernel2.dll |
Filter category |
CLSID_LegacyAmFilterCategory |
Header |
See Also: