Copyright Notices

©Copyright LEAD Technologies, Inc. 1991-2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Portions of the PCDLIB32.DLL, PCDLIB.DLL, LFFPX7.DLL, LFKODAK.DLL, EKFPIXJPEG140.DLL, PDC_SDK.DLL, PROFIRE.DLL, DC120V154_32.DLL, LFDCR15u.dll, DCSPROBACK.DLL, DCSPRO3SLR.DLL, LFDCS15u.dll, and LFKDC15u.dll files contain material that is ©Copyright Eastman Kodak Company, 1996-2001. This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.

Portions of the LFCRW15u.dll, LTCMP14.DLL, CDSDK.reg, CDSDK.dll, CDRAPCLS.dll, czs_ui.dll, deimg.dll, deImg010.dll, deImg110.dll, deImg153.dll, deimg301.dll, deimg401.dll, deImg404.dll, deimg602.dll, Deimg603.dll, DeImgd60.dll, pscAdimg.dll, pscCllct.dll, pscCStUI.dll, pscDcd.dll, pscDevUI.dll, pscDvlp.dll, Pscl2STI.dll, pscll.dll, pscParse.dll, pscSetup.dll, psdkdll.dll, psdkReg.dll, psParse.dll. file contain material that is © Canon, Inc. 2002

Portions of the LFFPX7.DLL and LFKODAK.DLL files contain material that is ©Copyright Hewlett Packard, 1996.

Portions of the OCR/ICR/OMR Features and the help file for the OCR/ICR/OMR Features are ©Copyright Nuance Communications, Inc. 1995-2006. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

Portions of the LEADTOOLS PDF read Plug In are ©Copyright 1996, 2000 Artifex Software Inc. All rights reserved.

File filters for decoding MrSID ® and DjVu ® formats are provided under a license from Lizardtech, Inc.

The "FlashPix" format uses Microsoft's OLE structured storage.

Portions of the DICOM help files in Medical Imaging product line are reprinted with permission from the National Electrical Manufacturers Association ©Copyright 1998 by the National Electrical Manufacturers Association. All rights including translation into other languages, reserved under the Universal Copyright Convention, the Berne Convention or the Protection of Literacy and Artistic Works, and the International and Pan American Copyright Conventions.

Portions of LEADTOOLS Data Security Add On contain software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit (, including cryptographic software written by Eric Young ( and by Tim Hudson ( Copyright (C) 1995-1998 Eric Young ( All rights reserved. Copyright Tim Hudson 1995-1998 ( All rights reserved.

Portions of LEADTOOLS Data Security Add On contain software based on the MD5 Message Digest Algorithm developed by RSA Data Security, Inc.. Copyright (c) 1991-92 RSA Data Security, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


Portions hereof licensed under US patent 5,327,254 and foreign counterparts.


LEAD® and LEADTOOLS® are registered trademarks of LEAD Technologies, Inc.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Visual Basic, Visual FoxPro, and Microsoft Access are either trademarks or registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.

FlashPix™ is a trademark of Eastman Kodak Company.

All other brand or product names used in this online help are trademarks of their respective holders.

Address and Contact Information

LEAD Technologies, Inc.
Suite 400
1201 Greenwood Cliff
Charlotte, NC 28204

(704) 332-5532
FAX: (704) 372-8161
Technical support: (704) 372-9681 or
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