
#include "ltwrappr.h"

L_INT LNITFFile::Create(pszFileName)

L_INT LNITFFile::Create()

L_TCHAR * pszFileName;

/* file name */

Creates an empty NITF file or parses an existing NITF file. This function is available in the Document Toolkit.




Character string that contains the name of the NITF file to be parsed.



The function was successful.

< 1

An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes.


The LNITFFile::Create must be called before calling any other LNITFFile::XXX functions.

To create an empty NITF file, pass the pszFileName parameter as NULL.

To parse an existing NITF file, pass a valid file name to the pszFileName parameter.

To save the created NITF file, call the LNITFFile::SaveFile function.

When the class object is no longer needed, call the LNITFFile::Destroy function. For every call to LNITFFile::Create there must be a call to LNITFFile::Destroy.

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.

See Also


LNITFFile::Destroy, LNITFFile::GetStatus, LNITFFile::SaveFile, LNITFFile::AppendImageSegment, LNITFFile::AppendGraphicSegment, LNITFFile::AppendTextSegment, LNITFFile::SetVector, LNITFFile::GetVector, LNITFFile::GetNITFHeader, LNITFFile::SetNITFHeader, LNITFFile::GetGraphicHeaderCount, LNITFFile::GetGraphicHeader, LNITFFile::SetGraphicHeader, LNITFFile::GetImageHeaderCount, LNITFFile::GetImageHeader, LNITFFile::SetImageHeader, LNITFFile::GetTextHeaderCount, LNITFFile::GetTextHeader, LNITFFile::SetTextHeader.


NITF Functions: General Functionality.


Programming with LEADTOOLS NITF Functions.


L_INT LNITFFile_CreateExample()
// This example will create an empty NITF file and add image, graphic and text segments
   LVectorBase Vector; 
   LBitmapBase Bitmap; 
   LNITFFile Nitf; 
   // Load and append Image segment
   if(Bitmap.Load(TEXT("C:\\Program Files\\LEAD Technologies\\LEADTOOLS 15\\Images\\IMAGE1.CMP")) == SUCCESS) 
      Nitf.AppendImageSegment (&Bitmap, FILE_JPEG, 24, 2); 
   // Load and append graphic segment
   RECT rcViewPort;
   SetRect(&rcViewPort, 0, 0, 640, 480);
   if(Vector.Load(TEXT("C:\\Program Files\\LEAD Technologies\\LEADTOOLS 15\\Images\\random.dxf")) == SUCCESS) 
      Nitf.AppendGraphicSegment (&Vector, &rcViewPort);
   // Append Text segment
   Nitf.AppendTextSegment (TEXT("C:\\Program Files\\LEAD Technologies\\LEADTOOLS 15\\Images\\test.txt"));
   // Saving hNitf Handle
   Nitf.SaveFile (TEXT("C:\\Program Files\\LEAD Technologies\\LEADTOOLS 15\\Images\\test.ntf"));
   Nitf.Destroy ();
   return SUCCESS;