
#include "ltTLB.h"

L_LTTLB_API L_INT L_TBAddButton( pToolbar, uButtonRefId, pButtonInfo, dwFlags )


/* pointer to a toolbar handle */

L_UINT uButtonRefId;

/* button ID */

Const pLBUTTONINFO pButtonInfo;

/* pointer to a structure */

L_UINT32 dwFlags;

/* flags */

Adds a new button to the toolbar.




Pointer to a toolbar handle that references the toolbar to which to add the button.


Reference to use for positioning new button inside the toolbar.


Point to a LBUTTONINFO structure containing data for the new button.


Flag that indicates where to add the new button, with respect to the button specified in uButtonRefId. Possible values are:






Add this button before the button specified by uButtonRefId in the toolbar.



Add this button after the button specified by uButtonRefId in the toolbar.



If this flag is specified, the toolkit will create a new tool and make this button the first button of the new tool.


If this flag is not specified, the toolkit will add the new button to the same tool as uButtonRefId.


Note, if the toolbar contains no buttons, both uButtonRefId and dwFlags will be ignored and the new tool and button will be added to the toolbar.


As an example, if dwFlags is set to TOOLBAR_ADD_BEFORE | TOOLBAR_ADD_TOOL, then a new tool will be added before the button specified by uButtonRefId. If dwFlags is set to TOOLBAR_ADD_BEFORE, then the new button will be added before the button specified by uButtonRefId and it will become part of the same tool as the button specified by uButtonRefId.



The function was successful.

< 1

An error occurred. Refer to Return Codes

Required DLLs and Libraries


For a listing of the exact DLLs and Libraries needed, based on the toolkit version, refer to Files To Be Included With Your Application.

See Also


L_TBRemoveButton, L_TBGetButtonInfo, L_TBSetButtonInfo, L_TBGetToolbarInfo, L_TBSetToolbarInfo


Getting and Setting Toolbar Button Information


This example will create a new toolbar and add 2 tools with 2 buttons each.

#include "commctrl.h"

L_INT TBAddButtonExample(HWND hWndParent, HINSTANCE hInst, ppTOOLBARHANDLE ppToolbar)
   L_INT nRet;
   /* assume these resource IDs contain valid bitmaps */
   const L_INT nResId[ 4 ] = { IDB_BITMAP1, IDB_BITMAP2, IDB_BITMAP3, IDB_BITMAP4 };
   const L_TCHAR *szToolTipText[ 4 ] = { TEXT("Button 1"), TEXT("Button 2"), TEXT("Button 3"), TEXT("Button 4") };
   LBUTTONINFO ButtonInfo;
   L_INT i;
   L_UINT uRefId;
   L_UINT32 dwFlags;

   nRet = L_TBInit ( ppToolbar );
   if(nRet != SUCCESS)
      return nRet;
   nRet = L_TBCreate ( *ppToolbar, hWndParent, TEXT("Toolbar"), TOOLBAR_EMPTY );
   if(nRet != SUCCESS)
      return nRet;

   uRefId = 0;  /* we dont need a reference button when adding the first one */

   for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
      ZeroMemory(&ButtonInfo, sizeof(LBUTTONINFO));
      ButtonInfo.uStructSize = sizeof(LBUTTONINFO);
      ButtonInfo.uID = i + 1;
      ButtonInfo.hBitmap = LoadBitmap( hInst,
                                       MAKEINTRESOURCE( nResId[ i ] ) );

      lstrcpy( ButtonInfo.szToolTipText, szToolTipText[ i ] );
      ButtonInfo.dwTag = 0L;
      ButtonInfo.fsState = TBSTATE_ENABLED;
      dwFlags = TOOLBAR_ADD_AFTER;
      if( i == 0 || i == 2 )
         dwFlags |= TOOLBAR_ADD_TOOL;

      nRet = L_TBAddButton( *ppToolbar, uRefId, &ButtonInfo, dwFlags );
      if(nRet != SUCCESS)
         return nRet;

      DeleteObject( ButtonInfo.hBitmap );  /* the toolbar toolkit keeps its own copy */

      uRefId = ButtonInfo.uID;  /* save last button ID */

   if(SUCCESS == L_TBIsValid(*ppToolbar))
      L_TBSetVisible(*ppToolbar, TRUE);
   return SUCCESS;