Stock Objects Libraries

LEAD VECTOR Toolkit 15 supports Stock objects libraries. These are Dynmaic Link Libraries that contain user-defined objects.

The VECOFICE Library comes with more than 100 pre-defined object shapes for multiple purposes such as arrows, flowchart symbols, etc.

The following example adds all the objects in the VECOFICE library to the default layer of a vector handle:

#include "lvkrn.h"
#include "vecofice.h"


void LoadVecOficeLibrary( pVECTORHANDLE pVector )
   VECTORSTOCK    Stock;
   L_INT          i;
   L_DOUBLE       X, Y;
   const L_DOUBLE SIZE = 2.0;

   // Initiate a new VECTOR_STOCK object.
   L_VecInitObject( &Stock.Object );
   Stock.Object.nType = VECTOR_STOCK;
   Stock.Object.nSize = sizeof( VECTORSTOCK );

   // Load the VECOFICE library.
   Stock.hInstDLL = LoadLibrary(TEXT("VecOfice.dll"));

   // Tell the toolkit to load the stock object using the hInstDLL member.
   Stock.pszDLLName = NULL;

   // Fill in default pen, brush and font.
   Stock.Pen.nSize = sizeof( VECTORPEN );
   Stock.Pen.bExtPen = FALSE;
   Stock.Pen.NewPen.LogPen.lopnStyle = PS_SOLID;
   Stock.Pen.NewPen.LogPen.lopnWidth.x = 1;
   Stock.Pen.NewPen.LogPen.lopnWidth.y = 0;
   Stock.Pen.NewPen.LogPen.lopnColor = RGB( 0xFF, 0x00, 0x00 );

   Stock.Brush.VectorBrushStyle = VECTORBRUSH_STANDARD;
   Stock.Brush.nSize = sizeof( VECTORBRUSH );
   Stock.Brush.BrushType.StandardBrush.LogBrush.lbStyle = PS_SOLID;
   Stock.Brush.BrushType.StandardBrush.LogBrush.lbHatch = 0;
   Stock.Brush.BrushType.StandardBrush.LogBrush.lbColor = RGB( 0x00, 0xFF, 0x00 );

   X = 0.0;
   Y = 0.0;

   // Add all objects, use a grid of 10 horizontal objects
   for( i = 0; i < VECOFICE_OBJECT_COUNT; i++ )
      // Set object ID.
      Stock.nId = i;

      Stock.Point[ 0 ].x = X;
      Stock.Point[ 0 ].y = Y;
      Stock.Point[ 0 ].z = 0.0;

      Stock.Point[ 1 ].x = X + SIZE;
      Stock.Point[ 1 ].y = Y + SIZE;
      Stock.Point[ 1 ].z = 0.0;

      // We want to have random colors for each object.
      Stock.Pen.NewPen.LogPen.lopnColor = RGB( rand() % 256, rand() % 256, rand() % 256 );
      Stock.Brush.BrushType.StandardBrush.LogBrush.lbColor = RGB( rand() % 256, rand() % 256, rand() % 256 );

      // Add the object to the default layer.
      L_VecAddObject( pVector, NULL, VECTOR_STOCK, &Stock, NULL );

      // Update position for next object.
      if( !( ( i + 1 ) % 10 ) )
         Y -= SIZE * 3.0 / 2.0;
         X = 0.0;
         X += SIZE * 3.0 / 2.0;