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AnnRectangle Structure Methods
See Also 
Leadtools.Annotations Namespace : AnnRectangle Structure

For a list of all members of this type, see AnnRectangle members.

Public Methods

Public Method ContainsOverloaded.  Determines if the specified point is contained within this AnnRectangle structure.  
Public Method Convert Converts this AnnRectangle structure to one with the specified unit of measure.  
Public Method ConvertedBottom Returns the value of the bottom edge of this AnnRectangle structure, converted to its equivalent in specified AnnUnit unit of measure.  
Public Method ConvertedHeight Returns the value for the height of this AnnRectangle structure, converted to its equivalent in the specified AnnUnit unit of measure.  
Public Method ConvertedLeft Returns the value of the left edge of this AnnRectangle structure converted to its equivalent in the specified AnnUnit unit of measure.  
Public Method ConvertedRight Returns the value of the right edge of this AnnRectangle structure, converted to its equivalent in the specified AnnUnit unit of measure.  
Public Method ConvertedTop Returns the value of the top edge of this AnnRectangle structure, converted to its equivalent in the specified AnnUnit unit of measure.  
Public Method ConvertedWidth Returns the value for the width of this AnnRectangle structure, converted to its equivalent in the specified AnnUnit unit of measure.  
Public Method ConvertTo Converts this AnnRectangle structure with the specified unit of measure to another AnnRectangle structure.  
Public Method EqualsOverridden.  Specifies whether this AnnRectangle structure contains the same dimensions as the specified Object.
For more information about this method, see Equals.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic) FromLTRBOverloaded.  Creates a AnnRectangle structure with the specified upper-left corner and lower-right corner and the specified unit of measure.  
Public Method GetHashCodeOverridden.  Returns a hash code for this AnnRectangle structure.
For information about this method, see GetHashCode.  
Public Method InflateOverloaded.  Inflates this AnnRectangle structure by the specified amounts.  
Public Method IntersectOverloaded.  Replaces this AnnRectangle structure with the intersection of itself and the specified AnnRectangle structure.  
Public Method IntersectsWith Determines if this rectangle intersects with a test rectangle.  
Public Method OffsetOverloaded.  Adjusts the location of this rectangle by the specified amounts.  
Public Method ToRectangleF Converts this AnnRectangle structure to a RectangleF structure.  
Public Method ToStringOverridden.  Overridden. Converts this AnnRectangle structure to a human-readable string.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic) Union Creates the smallest possible third rectangle that can contain both of two rectangles that form a union.  

See Also

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