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CodecsRasterizeDocumentLoadOptions Class Properties
See Also 
Leadtools.Codecs Namespace : CodecsRasterizeDocumentLoadOptions Class

For a list of all members of this type, see CodecsRasterizeDocumentLoadOptions members.

Public Properties

Public PropertyBottomMargin Gets or sets the bottom margin value when rasterizing a document to a raster image.  
Public PropertyEnabled Gets a value that indicate whether to use the current CodecsRasterizeDocumentLoadOptions properties when loading document files.  
Public PropertyLeftMargin Gets or sets the left margin value when rasterizing a document to a raster image.  
Public PropertyPageHeight Gets or sets the result raster image suggested height in Unit.  
Public PropertyPageWidth Gets or sets the result raster image suggested width in Unit.  
Public PropertyRightMargin Gets or sets the right margin value when rasterizing a document to a raster image.  
Public PropertySizeMode Gets or sets a value that indicate the transformation to use when converting the logical size specified in PageWidth and PageHeight to the final physical raster image size.  
Public PropertyTopMargin Gets or sets the top margin value when rasterizing a document to a raster image.  
Public PropertyUnitGets or sets the units to use for PageWidth, PageHeight, LeftMargin, TopMargin, RightMargin and BottomMargin values.  
Public PropertyXResolution Gets or sets the horizontal resolution to use when rasterization document files.  
Public PropertyYResolution Gets or sets the vertical resolution to use when rasterization document files.  

See Also