Leadtools.Document Deprecated as of v16. Refer to: Leadtools.Forms.Ocr | Send comments on this topic. | Back to Introduction - All Topics | Help Version
RasterDocumentDrawZoneOptions Structure Properties
See Also 
Leadtools.Document Namespace : RasterDocumentDrawZoneOptions Structure

For a list of all members of this type, see RasterDocumentDrawZoneOptions members.

Public Properties

Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic) Empty Gets an empty class of RasterDocumentDrawZoneOptions  
Public Property Offset Gets or sets the Zone scroll position.  
Public Property Pen Gets or sets the Pen object to be used when drawing the zones.  
Public Property SelectedPen Gets or sets the Pen object to be used when drawing the selected zone.  
Public Property Visible Specifies whether page zones will be drawn.  
Public Property ZoomPercent Gets or sets the Zone Zoom Percent.  

See Also

The Leadtools.Document namespace is deprecated and no longer supported as of LEADTOOLS v16. For v16 and later, please refer to: Leadtools.Forms.Ocr. This documentation is retained for v15 and earlier informational use only.