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IOcrPage Interface Properties
See Also 
Leadtools.Forms.Ocr Namespace : IOcrPage Interface

For a list of all members of this type, see IOcrPage members.

Public Properties

 Property BitsPerPixel Gets the number of bits per pixel of this page.  
 Property BytesPerLine Gets the number of bytes per line (stride) of this page.  
 Property Document Gets the OCR document that own this page  
 Property DpiX Gets the horizontal resolution value in dots per inch of this page.  
 Property DpiY Gets the vertical resolution value in dots per inch of this page.  
 Property Height Gets the height in pixels of this page.  
 Property IsRecognized Gets a value that indicates whether this page has been recognized at least once.  
 Property OriginalFormat Gets the original file format of the page.  
 Property Width Gets the width in pixels of this page.  
 Property Zones Gets the zones of this IOcrPage.  

See Also

IOcrPage requires an OCR module license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features