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RasterImage Class Methods
See Also 
Leadtools Namespace : RasterImage Class

For a list of all members of this type, see RasterImage members.

Public Methods

Public MethodAccess Provides exclusive access to the image data contained in this RasterImage.  
Public MethodAddBeziersToRegionOverloaded.  Creates or updates the image region by adding a bezier region.  
Public MethodAddBorderToRegion Creates a region of pixels with values that fall within a range defined by the value of a specific pixel and a lower and upper tolerance value but are not equal to the borderColor.  
Public MethodAddColorHsvRangeToRegion Creates or updates the image region by adding a region that consists of all the pixels that fall in the given HSV color range.  
Public MethodAddColorRgbRangeToRegion Creates or updates the image region by adding a region that consists of all the pixels that fall in the given RGB color range.  
Public MethodAddColorToRegion Creates or updates the image region by adding a region that consists of all the pixels of a specified color.  
Public MethodAddCurveToRegionOverloaded.  Creates or updates the image region by adding a curved region.  
Public MethodAddDataToRegion Creates or updates the image region using the specified region data.  
Public MethodAddEllipseToRegion Creates or updates the image region by adding an elliptical region.  
Public MethodAddGdiPlusDataToRegion Creates or updates the image region using the specified GDI+ region data.  
Public MethodAddGdiPlusRegionToRegion Creates or updates the image region by adding the specified GDI+ region.  
Public MethodAddGdiRegionToRegion Creates or updates the image region by adding the specified Windows region handle.  
Public MethodAddMagicWandToRegion Sets a region based on the color found at point x, y in the image.  
Public MethodAddMaskToRegion Creates or updates the image region by adding a region that consists of all the white pixels in a 1-bit mask image.  
Public MethodAddPage Adds a new page to this RasterImage.  
Public MethodAddPages Adds one or more images to this RasterImage.  
Public MethodAddPolygonToRegionOverloaded.  Creates or updates the image region by adding a polygonal region.  
Public MethodAddRectangleToRegion Creates or updates the image region by adding a rectangular region.  
Public MethodAddRoundRectangleToRegion Creates or updates the image region by adding a rounded rectangular region.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)CalculatePaintModeRectangle Adjusts the given rectangle based on the given paint mode properties.  
Public MethodCalculateRegionArea Gets the total number of pixels in the image region.  
Public MethodCalculateRegionMaximumClipSegments Gets the number of elements required to hold the clip segments for any row in the region.  
Public MethodChangeCompression Compresses or decompresses this RasterImage.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ChangeFromDib Changes a Windows device independent bitmap (DIB) to a LEAD RasterImage object.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ChangeFromEmf Changes a Windows enhanced metafile (EMF) into a LEAD RasterImage object and, if successful, frees the enhanced metafile.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ChangeFromHBitmapOverloaded.  Changes a Windows device dependent bitmap (DDB) to a LEAD RasterImage object.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)ChangeFromWmf Changes a Windows metafile (WMF) into a LEAD RasterImage object and, if successful, frees the metafile.  
Public MethodChangeHeight Increases or decreases the allocated height of an image.  
Public MethodChangeToDib Changes a LEAD RasterImage object to a Windows Device Independent Bitmap (DIB).  
Public MethodChangeToEmf Changes a LEAD RasterImage object into a Windows enhanced metafile (EMF) and, if successful, frees the image data.  
Public MethodChangeToGdiPlusImage Changes this RasterImage to a GDI+ Image.  
Public MethodChangeToHBitmapOverloaded.  Changes a LEAD RasterImage object to a Windows Device Dependent Bitmap (DDB).  
Public MethodChangeToWmf Changes a LEAD RasterImage object into a Windows metafile (WMF) and, if successful, frees the image data.  
Public MethodChangeViewPerspective Rotates and flips the image data as necessary to achieve the desired view perspective.  
Public MethodCloneOverloaded.  Creates an exact copy of the current page of this RasterImage.  
Public MethodCloneAll Creates an exact copy of this RasterImage.  
Public MethodConvertToGdiPlusImage Converts this RasterImage to a GDI+ image.  
Public MethodCopyData Updates the data of this RasterImage.  
Public MethodCopyMetadataTo Copies the metadata (tags, comments, and markers) to the given image.  
Public MethodCopyPaletteTo Copies the palette of this RasterImage into a destination image.  
Public MethodCreateAlphaImage Creates a grayscale image from this RasterImage alpha channel data.  
Public MethodCreateGdiPlusGraphics Creates a GDI+ Graphics object using this RasterImage as the display surface.  
Public MethodCreateLeadDC Creates a Windows device context using this RasterImage as the display surface.  
Public MethodCreateMaskFromRegion Creates a 1-bit mask image from the region that is defined in the image.  
Public MethodCreateThumbnail Creates a thumbnail image of this RasterImage.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)DeleteLeadDC Deletes the device context that was created using the CreateLeadDC method.  
Public MethodDisableEvents Disables raising the Changed event.  
Public MethodDisposeOverloaded.  Releases all resources used by this RasterImage.  
Public MethodDitherLineOverloaded.  Used in a loop, dithers the line in a specified input buffer, and writes it to an output buffer.  
Public MethodEnableEvents Enables raising the Changed event.  
Public MethodFillRegionOverloaded.  Highlights a region by displaying a filled, color representation of the region in the given Graphics object.  
Public MethodFlipRegion Flips the image region (top to bottom).  
Public MethodFlipViewPerspective Flips this RasterImage image by changing its ViewPerspective.  
Public MethodFrameRegionOverloaded.  Displays an outline of the image region in the given Graphics object.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)FromDib Creates a new image from the specified Windows device independent bitmap (DIB).  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)FromEmf Converts an enhanced Windows metafile (EMF) into a LEAD RasterImage object.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)FromHBitmapOverloaded.  Creates a new RasterImage from the specified Windows device dependent bitmap (DDB).  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)FromWmf Converts a Windows metafile (WMF) into a LEAD RasterImage object.  
Public MethodGetGdiPlusRegionData Gets the GDI+ data that describes the image region.  
Public MethodGetImageHeightDpi Gets the height of this RasterImage in pixels, taking ViewPerspective and YResolution into account.  
Public MethodGetImageSizeDpi Gets the size in pixels of this RasterImage object, taking YResolution into account.  
Public MethodGetImageWidthDpi Gets the width of this RasterImage in pixels, taking ViewPerspective and XResolution into account.  
Public MethodGetLookupTable Gets the 8-bit lookup table (LUT) of this RasterImage.  
Public MethodGetLookupTable16 Gets the 16-bit lookup table (LUT) of this RasterImage.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)GetNearestBitsPerPixel Gets the nearest bits per pixel value supported by LEAD for the specified GDI+ pixel format.  
Public MethodGetObjectData Populates a specified SerializationInfo with the data needed to serialize this object.  
Public MethodGetOverlayAttributes Gets one or more overlay attributes for the specified index.  
Public MethodGetOverlayImage Gets the overlay image for the specified index.  
Public MethodGetPaintColors Returns a palette corresponding to this RasterImage if painted on the given graphics object.  
Public MethodGetPaintHPalette Returns a Windows palette handle corresponding to this RasterImage if painted on the given device context.  
Public MethodGetPaintLookupTable For internal use by LEADTOOLS.  
Public MethodGetPaintLookupTable16 For internal use by LEADTOOLS.  
Public MethodGetPaintPalette Returns a GDI+ palette corresponding to this RasterImage if painted on the given graphic object.  
Public MethodGetPalette Gets a copy of the palette of this RasterImage object.  
Public MethodGetPixelColor Returns the color of the specified pixel.  
Public MethodGetPixelDataOverloaded.  Returns the pixel data of the specified pixel.  
Public MethodGetRegionBounds Gets the bounding rectangle of the image region.  
Public MethodGetRegionBoundsClipped Gets the bounding rectangle of the image region.  
Public MethodGetRegionClipSegments Gets the segments contained in the region for a particular row.  
Public MethodGetRegionData Gets the GDI data that describes the image region.  
Public MethodGetRowOverloaded.  Retrieves a row or more of image data from this RasterImage into a managed memory buffer.  
Public MethodGetRowColumnOverloaded.  Accepts a column offset to retrieve data from an image and place it in a buffer.  
Public MethodGetRowColumnCompressedOverloaded.  Retrieves a row (or part of a row) of 1-bit compressed data from an image that has been loaded in its compressed format.  
Public MethodGetRowCompressedOverloaded.  Retrieves one or more rows of 1-bit compressed data from an image that has been loaded in its compressed format.  
Public MethodGetTrueColorValue Gets the true (RGB) value of the specified color based on the current image palette.  
Public MethodImagePhysicalSize Gets this RasterImage's dimensions corrected for resolution (DPI).  
Public MethodInsertPage Inserts a new page into this RasterImage.  
Public MethodInsertPages Inserts one or more pages into this RasterImage.  
Public Methodstatic (Shared in Visual Basic)IsValidBitsPerPixelGdiPlus Determines whether or not the specified bits per pixel value supported by LEAD is compatible with GDI+.  
Public MethodMakeGdiPlusCompatible Makes this RasterImage GDI+ compatible.  
Public MethodMakeRegionEmpty Removes the region from the image and frees the memory used for the region.  
Public MethodOffsetRegion Moves the image region by the specified number of rows and columns.  
Public MethodOnChanged Raises the Changed event.  
Public MethodPaintOverloaded.  Displays this RasterImage in the given Graphics object.  
Public MethodPaintBufferOverloaded.  Paints image data from a buffer into a Graphics object.  
Public MethodPaintCmykPlanesOverloaded.  Displays the CMYK planes stored in the image in the given Graphics object.  
Public MethodPaintOverlayOverloaded.  Paints the overlay at the specified index. Use this method to paint overlays that are not automatically painted.  
Public MethodPaintRegionOverloaded.  Paints the image region to a Graphics object.  
Public MethodPaintRegionBufferOverloaded.  Paints image region data from a buffer into a Graphics object.  
Public MethodPointFromImage Translates a point (x,y) from this RasterImage view perspective to the specified view perspective.  
Public MethodPointToImage Translates a point (x,y) from the specified view perspective to this RasterImage view perspective.  
Public MethodRectangleFromImage Translates a rectangle from this RasterImage view perspective to the specified view perspective.  
Public MethodRectangleToImage Translates a rectangle from a specified view perspective to this RasterImage view perspective.  
Public MethodRegionContains Determines whether the specified pixel is in the image region.  
Public MethodRegionToGdiPlusRegion Creates a GDI+ region that is a snapshot of this RasterImage region.  
Public MethodRelease Releases memory locked with Access back to the system.  
Public MethodRemoveAllPages Removes all pages from this RasterImage.  
Public MethodRemovePageAt Removes the page at the specified index from this RasterImage.  
Public MethodRemovePages Removes one or more pages from this RasterImage.  
Public MethodReverseRegion Flips the image region (left to right).  
Public MethodRotateViewPerspective Rotates this RasterImage by changing its ViewPerspective.  
Public MethodSetAlphaImage Replaces existing alpha channel data or creates new alpha channel data.  
Public MethodSetLookupTable Sets the 8-bit lookup table (LUT) of this RasterImage.  
Public MethodSetLookupTable16 Sets the 16-bit lookup table (LUT) of this RasterImage.  
Public MethodSetOverlayImage Sets the overlay image for a certain index.  
Public MethodSetOverlayImageSize Changes the size of the overlay image for a certain index.  
Public MethodSetPaintLookupTable For internal use by LEADTOOLS.  
Public MethodSetPalette Sets the palette of this RasterImage object.  
Public MethodSetPixelColor Changes the color value of the specified pixel.  
Public MethodSetPixelDataOverloaded.  Changes the data of the specified pixel.  
Public MethodSetRowOverloaded.  Copies a row or more of image data to this RasterImage.  
Public MethodSetRowColumnOverloaded.  Copies data from a buffer into an image, with an offset to the image.  
Public MethodSetRowColumnCompressedOverloaded.  Puts a row (or part of a row) of 1-bit compressed data from a buffer into an image that is maintained in its compressed format.  
Public MethodSetRowCompressedOverloaded.  Puts one or more rows of 1-bit compressed data from a buffer into an image that is maintained in its compressed format.  
Public MethodSetRowSegmentsOverloaded.  For internal use by LEADTOOLS.  
Public MethodSetUserData Sets the data for the image to the specified unmanaged memory buffer.  
Public MethodStartDithering Initializes the buffered dithering of an image.  
Public MethodStopDithering Cleans up all data variables and buffers allocated by the StartDithering and DitherLine methods.  
Public MethodTestGdiPlusCompatible Tests this RasterImage to see if it is compatible with the GDI+ Image.  
Public MethodToDib Converts this RasterImage into a Windows device independent bitmap (DIB).  
Public MethodToEmf Converts a LEAD RasterImage object into a Windows enhanced metafile (EMF).  
Public MethodToHBitmapOverloaded.  Creates a Windows device dependent bitmap (DDB) from this RasterImage.  
Public MethodToWmf Converts a LEAD RasterImage object into a Windows metafile (WMF).  
Public MethodTranslateColorOverloaded.  Translates the specified color in the image, and returns the nearest matching color in the destination image.  
Public MethodUnderlay Combines two images so that one appears to be an underlying texture for the other.  
Public MethodUpdateOverlayAttributes Updates the overlay attributes for the overlay at the specified index.  
Public MethodUpdateOverlayBits Updates the overlay image pixels with the bits from the corresponding bitplane of the main image.  
Public MethodWindowLevel Sets up the paint or paint and image processing methods' window leveling options for this RasterImage  
Public MethodWindowLevelExt Sets up the paint or paint and image processing methods' window leveling options for this RasterImage  

Protected Methods

Protected MethodFinalizeOverridden.  This member overrides Finalize.  

See Also