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RasterImage Class Properties
See Also 
Leadtools Namespace : RasterImage Class

For a list of all members of this type, see RasterImage members.

Public Properties

Public PropertyAnimationBackground Gets or sets a value indicating the animation background color for the current frame.  
Public PropertyAnimationDelay Gets or sets a value indicating the animation delay in milliseconds (ms) for the current frame.  
Public PropertyAnimationDisposalMethod Gets or sets a value indicating the animation disposal method for the current frame.  
Public PropertyAnimationGlobalBackground Gets or sets a value indicating the global background color of the animation image.  
Public PropertyAnimationGlobalLoop Gets or sets a value indicating the global loop count for animated images.  
Public PropertyAnimationGlobalSize Gets or sets a value indicating the global size of the animation image.  
Public PropertyAnimationOffset Gets or sets a value indicating the animation offset for the current frame.  
Public PropertyAnimationWaitUserInput Gets or sets a value indicating whether the RasterImageAnimator object should wait for user input in the current frame.  
Public PropertyBitsPerPixel Gets the number of bits per pixel of this RasterImage  
Public PropertyBytesPerLine Gets the number of bytes per scanline for the image data of this RasterImage.  
Public PropertyComments The collection of comment data used when reading and writing certain file formats (including GIF).  
Public PropertyData Gets the data for the image in native format.  
Public PropertyDataSize Gets the size, in bytes, of the image data buffer.  
Public PropertyDitherData For internal use by LEADTOOLS.  
Public PropertyDitheringMethod Gets or sets the default dithering method, referenced by some internal LEADTOOLS methods.  
Public PropertyGeoKeys The collection of GeoKeys used when reading and writing Geo TIFF files.  
Public PropertyGrayscaleMode Determines if this RasterImage is a grayscale image.  
Public PropertyHasRegion Determines whether this RasterImage has a region.  
Public PropertyHeight Gets the height of this RasterImage in pixels.  
Public PropertyHighBit Gets or sets the image window level high bit value.  
Public PropertyImageHeight Gets the height of this RasterImage in pixels, taking ViewPerspective into account.  
Public PropertyImageSize Gets the size in pixels of this RasterImage object.  
Public PropertyImageWidth Gets the width of this RasterImage in pixels, taking ViewPerspective into account.  
Public PropertyIsBasic Determines whether the image data is basic.  
Public PropertyIsCompressed Determines if the memory allocated for the image data is compressed memory.  
Public PropertyIsConventionalMemory Determines if the memory allocated for the image data is in conventional memory.  
Public PropertyIsDiskMemory Determines if the memory allocated for the image data is allocated as a disk file rather than in physical memory.  
Public PropertyIsDisposed Gets a value indicating whether the RasterImage object has been disposed of.  
Public PropertyIsFlipped Determines whether the image has a a flipped ViewPerspective.  
Public PropertyIsGlobalMemory Determines if the memory allocated for the image data is a global Windows handle.  
Public PropertyIsGray Determines whether the image has a grayscale byte order.  
Public PropertyIsMirrored Determines whether the image data is mirrored.  
Public PropertyIsRotated Determines whether the image has a rotated ViewPerspective.  
Public PropertyIsSuperCompressed Determines if the memory allocated for the image data is super-compressed memory.  
Public PropertyIsTiled Determines if the memory allocated for the image data is allocated in tiles.  
Public PropertyLowBit Gets or sets the image window level low bit value.  
Public PropertyMarkers The collection of marker data used when reading and writing certain file formats (including JPEG).  
Public PropertyMaxValue Gets or sets the images maximum grayscale value.  
Public PropertyMemoryInformation Gets or sets information about the memory allocated for the image data.  
Public PropertyMinValue Gets or sets the images minimum grayscale value.  
Public PropertyNearestGdiPlusPixelFormat Gets the GDI+ PixelFormat that is closest to this RasterImage data.  
Public PropertyNoRegionClip Enables or disables clipping the image to the region.  
Public PropertyOrder Gets or sets the color order of this RasterImage.  
Public PropertyOriginalFormat Gets or sets the original image format of this RasterImage.  
Public PropertyOverlayCount Gets the number of overlays that have been defined for this RasterImage.  
Public PropertyPage Gets or sets the current active page for this RasterImage.  
Public PropertyPageCount Gets the total number of pages in the this RasterImage.  
Public PropertyPaintCallbacks Gets the list of RasterPaintCallbacks objects containing the custom callbacks.  
Public PropertyPaintContrast Gets or sets the current contrast value for the image.  
Public PropertyPaintGamma Gets or sets the current gamma correction value for the image.  
Public PropertyPaintHighBit Gets or sets the image paint low bit value.  
Public PropertyPaintIntensity Gets or sets the current intensity value for the image.  
Public PropertyPaintLowBit Gets or sets the image paint low bit value.  
Public PropertySigned Determines if the image data contains signed values.  
Public PropertyTags The collection of tag data used when reading and writing certain file formats (including TIFF).  
Public PropertyTransparent Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to use the transparent color.  
Public PropertyTransparentColor Gets or sets the transparent color used when painting this image.  
Public PropertyUseLookupTable Enables or disables using the lookup table (LUT) of this RasterImage.  
Public PropertyUsePaintLookupTable For internal use by LEADTOOLS.  
Public PropertyViewPerspective Gets the view perspective of the image data of this RasterImage.  
Public PropertyWidth Gets the width of this RasterImage in pixels.  
Public PropertyXResolution Gets or sets the image horizontal resolution, in dots per inch (DPI).  
Public PropertyYResolution Gets or sets the image vertical resolution, in dots per inch (DPI).  

See Also