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RasterImageMemoryInformation Structure Properties
See Also 
Leadtools Namespace : RasterImageMemoryInformation Structure

For a list of all members of this type, see RasterImageMemoryInformation members.

Public Properties

  Name Description
Public Property ConventionalTiles Gets or sets the number of conventional tiles.  
Public Propertystatic (Shared in Visual Basic) Empty Creates a new instance of the RasterImageMemoryInformation structure with all members set to 0.  
Public Property Flags Gets or sets a value that specify which members of the structure are valid.  
Public Property MaximumTileViews Gets or sets maximum number of swap buffers for the disk tiles.  
Public Property MemoryFlags Gets or sets type of memory allocated for the image data.  
Public Property TileSize Gets or sets the size for the tile.  
Public Property TileViews Gets or sets the number of swap buffers for the disk tiles.  
Public Property TotalTiles Gets or sets the number of tiles.  

See Also