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MedicalWebViewerStreamer Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Events
Leadtools.Dicom.Web Namespace : MedicalWebViewerStreamer Class

The following tables list the members exposed by MedicalWebViewerStreamer.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorMedicalWebViewerStreamer Constructor Initializes an new instance of the MedicalWebViewerStreamer class.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyBusy (Inherited from Leadtools.Web.Services.ServiceStreamer<RasterImage, Object>)
Public PropertyCacheBaseFolder Gets or Sets the base cache folder path.  
Public PropertyCacheSize Gets or Sets the maximum local cache size.  
Public PropertyCertificateValidation Gets or Sets the certificate validation mode.  
Public PropertyCompression Gets or Sets the compression mode.  
Public PropertyImagesAttributes Gets or Sets the images compression options.  
Public PropertyManageServiceUrl Gets or Sets the WCF Service URL which implement the IManageService interface.  
Public PropertyMixedSeriesCellDisplay Gets or sets the display mode of a series images in the MedicalViewer control.  
Public PropertyObjectRetrieveServiceUrl Gets or Sets the WCF Service URL which implement the IObjectRetrieveService interface.  
Public PropertyPassword Gets or Sets the user password.  
Public PropertyQueryServiceUrl Gets or Sets the WCF Service URL which implement the IQueryService interface.  
Public PropertyRequestTimeout Gets or Sets the time-out of the WCF service request.  
Public PropertySeriesCells Get an array of MedicalViewerCell which are created by this class.  
Public PropertySeriesModeColumns Gets the default number of columns for the series display.  
Public PropertySeriesModeRows Gets the default number of rows for the series display.  
Public PropertyServerIdentity Gets or Sets the expected WCF service identity required for X509 certificate authentication mode.  
Public PropertyStoreServiceUrl Gets or Sets the WCF Service URL which implement the IStoreService interface.  
Public PropertyStreamingRetiresCount Gets or Sets the number of retires to call the WCF service.  
Public PropertyThumbnailsAttributes Gets or Sets the thumbnails compression options.  
Public PropertyUseDefaultWebProxy Gets or Sets whether the MedicalWebViewerStreamer should use the default proxy information to perform web requests.  
Public PropertyUserName Gets or Sets the user login name.  
Public PropertyWCFServiceProxy Gets the WCF service proxy which is used to call the DICOMService.  

Protected Properties

Protected PropertyStreamsLimitOverridden.  Overloaded. Inherited from Generic ServiceStreamer  

Public Methods

Public MethodDispose Overloaded.  
Public MethodFindDisplayedCellSOPInstanceUID Find the SOP Instance UID string for the image displayed in the specified Cell.  
Public MethodGetDicomInformation Get DICOM objects information for the requested series.  
Public MethodGetDicomInformationEx Get DICOM objects information for the requested series.  
Public MethodGetSeries Retrieves the series information.  
Public MethodGetSeriesRepresentativeThumbnail Retrieves a thumbnail image for the specified series.  
Public MethodGetStrippedDicomFile Retrieve a DICOM object information without the image data.  
Public MethodGetStudy Retrieves the study information.  
Public MethodStartSeriesStreaming Start the process of streaming the series images and information from the web and initialize the MedicalViewer control.  
Public MethodStartStreaming (Inherited from Leadtools.Web.Services.ServiceStreamer<RasterImage, Object>)

Protected Methods

Protected MethodCreateCache Creates a Cache object.  
Protected MethodCreateStreamer Creates a DicomWCFStreamer object to consume the DICOM Service.  
Protected MethodFinalizeOverridden.  Overrides the Object.Finalize method.  
Protected MethodGetCache Retrieve a Cache object.  
Protected MethodOnCallServiceOverridden.  Overloaded. Inherited from Generic ServiceStreamer  
Protected MethodOnStreamingCompletedOverridden.  Overloaded. Inherited from Generic ServiceStreamer  
Protected MethodOnStreamingError Raised the StreamingError event.  
Protected MethodProcessStreamOverridden.  Overloaded. Inherited from Generic ServiceStreamer  
Protected MethodUpdateUIOverridden.  Overloaded. Inherited from Generic ServiceStreamer  

Public Events

Public EventCacheInitializationFailed Occurs when connecting to the WCF service fail to retrieve the cache timeout information.  
Public EventProgressState Provide information for the current state of the streaming process.  
Public EventRequestedImageStreamed Occurs when a new image requested for display in the MedicalViewer is streamed and initialized.  
Public EventStreamingCanceled Occurs when the streaming process is cancelled.  
Public EventStreamingError Occurs when an error or exception occur during the streaming process.  
Public EventStreamingStopped Occurs when all MedicalViewerCell maintained by this class are removed.  

See Also

MedicalWebViewerStreamer requires a Web Viewer Framework Module license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features