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Leadtools.Dicom.Web Changes from Version 16 to Version 16.5

New Types:

The following types have been added to version 16.5

ObjectInstanceInformationExprovides general information about a DICOM object
ImageInfoExprovides general information about a DICOM image

New Members:

The following members have been added to version 16.5

GetDicomInformationExGet DICOM objects information for the requested series.
FindDisplayedCellSOPInstanceUIDFind the SOP Instance UID string for the image displayed in the specified Cell.
GetStudyRetrieves the study information.
GetSeriesRetrieves the series information.
GetSeriesRepresentativeThumbnailRetrieves a thumbnail image for the specified series.
FindObjectInstanceExQuery for DICOM objects information based on search parameters.
FindStudiesQueries for the DICOM studies information from the DICOM service using matching parameters.

New Events:

The following event have been added to version 16.5.

StreamingStoppedOccurs when all MedicalViewerCell maintained by this class are removed.

New Properties:

The following properties have been added to version 16.5.

SeriesCellsGet an array of MedicalViewerCell which are created by this class.
MixedSeriesCellDisplayGets or sets the display mode of a series images in the MedicalViewer control.

New Enumeration Values:

The following enumerations have been added to version 16.5.

DisplayModeSpecify which cells to be created and what type of images they contain.

LEADTOOLS Web Viewer Framework Module requires a Web Viewer Framework Module license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features