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DicomInformation.SeriesRow Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods 
Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.DataAccessLayer Namespace : DicomInformation.SeriesRow Class

The following tables list the members exposed by DicomInformation.SeriesRow.

Public Properties

  Name Description
Public Property AETitle Gets or sets the DicomInformation.SeriesDataTable.AETitleColumn value for this row.  
Public Property HasErrors (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
Public Property InstitutionName Gets or sets the DicomInformation.SeriesDataTable.InstitutionNameColumn value for this row.  
Public Property Item Overloaded.  (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
Public Property ItemArray (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
Public Property Modality Gets or sets the DicomInformation.SeriesDataTable.ModalityColumn value for this row.  
Public Property ReceiveDate Gets or sets the DicomInformation.SeriesDataTable.ReceiveDateColumn value for this row.  
Public Property RowError (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
Public Property RowState (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
Public Property SeriesDate Gets or sets the DicomInformation.SeriesDataTable.SeriesDateColumn value for this row.  
Public Property SeriesDescription Gets or sets the DicomInformation.SeriesDataTable.SeriesDescriptionColumn value for this row.  
Public Property SeriesInstanceUID Gets or sets the DicomInformation.SeriesDataTable.SeriesInstanceUIDColumn value for this row.  
Public Property SeriesNumber Gets or sets the DicomInformation.SeriesDataTable.SeriesNumberColumn value for this row.  
Public Property StudiesRow Gets or sets the parent DicomInformation.StudiesRow for this series.  
Public Property StudyInstanceUID Gets or sets the DicomInformation.SeriesDataTable.StudyInstanceUIDColumn value for this row.  
Public Property Table (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)

Public Methods

  Name Description
Public Method AcceptChanges (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
Public Method BeginEdit (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
Public Method CancelEdit (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
Public Method ClearErrors (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
Public Method Delete (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
Public Method EndEdit (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
Public Method GetChildRows Overloaded.  (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
Public Method GetColumnError Overloaded.  (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
Public Method GetColumnsInError (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
Public Method GetImagesRows Returns the child images rows for this series row if it exists.  
Public Method GetParentRow Overloaded.  (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
Public Method GetParentRows Overloaded.  (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
Public Method HasVersion (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
Public Method IsAETitleNull Gets a value which indicates whether the DicomInformation.SeriesDataTable.AETitleColumn value is null for this row.  
Public Method IsInstitutionNameNull Gets a value which indicates whether the DicomInformation.SeriesDataTable.InstitutionNameColumn value is null for this row.  
Public Method IsModalityNull Gets a value which indicates whether the DicomInformation.SeriesDataTable.ModalityColumn value is null for this row.  
Public Method IsNull Overloaded.  (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
Public Method IsReceiveDateNull Gets a value which indicates whether the DicomInformation.SeriesDataTable.ReceiveDateColumn value is null for this row.  
Public Method IsSeriesDateNull Gets a value which indicates whether the DicomInformation.SeriesDataTable.SeriesDateColumn value is null for this row.  
Public Method IsSeriesDescriptionNull Gets a value which indicates whether the DicomInformation.SeriesDataTable.SeriesDescriptionColumn value is null for this row.  
Public Method IsSeriesNumberNull Gets a value which indicates whether the DicomInformation.SeriesDataTable.SeriesNumberColumn value is null for this row.  
Public Method RejectChanges (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
Public Method SetAdded (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
Public Method SetAETitleNull Sets the DicomInformation.SeriesDataTable.AETitleColumn value to null in this row.  
Public Method SetColumnError Overloaded.  (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
Public Method SetInstitutionNameNull Sets the DicomInformation.SeriesDataTable.InstitutionNameColumn value to null in this row.  
Public Method SetModalityNull Sets the DicomInformation.SeriesDataTable.ModalityColumn value to null in this row.  
Public Method SetModified (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
Public Method SetParentRow Overloaded.  (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)
Public Method SetReceiveDateNull Sets the DicomInformation.SeriesDataTable.ReceiveDateColumn value to null in this row.  
Public Method SetSeriesDateNull Sets the DicomInformation.SeriesDataTable.SeriesDateColumn value to null in this row.  
Public Method SetSeriesDescriptionNull Sets the DicomInformation.SeriesDataTable.SeriesDescriptionColumn value to null in this row.  
Public Method SetSeriesNumberNull Sets the DicomInformation.SeriesDataTable.SeriesNumberColumn value to null in this row.  

Protected Methods

  Name Description
Protected Method SetNull (Inherited from System.Data.DataRow)

See Also

Leadtools.Medical.Workstation.DataAccessLayer requires a Medical toolkit license and unlock key. For more information, refer to: Imaging Pro/Document/Medical Features