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GammaCorrectCommand Class Members
See Also  Properties  Methods  Events

The following tables list the members exposed by GammaCorrectCommand.

Public Constructors

Public ConstructorGammaCorrectCommand ConstructorOverloaded.  Initializes a new GammaCorrectCommand class object with default parameters.  

Public Properties

Public PropertyGamma Gets or sets an integer that represents the gamma value.  
Public PropertyHasProgress (Inherited from Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommand)

Public Methods

Public MethodOnProgress (Inherited from Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommand)
Public Methodraise_Progress (Inherited from Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommand)
Public MethodRun (Inherited from Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommand)
Public MethodToStringOverridden.  Overridden. Returns a meaningful name for this class.  

Protected Methods

Public Events

Public EventProgress (Inherited from Leadtools.ImageProcessing.RasterCommand)

See Also